Friday, October 28, 2022

Housing Complex C: Kimi and Yuri (Episode 4)

The following post contains scenes of intense violence, blood and gore and surreal imagery that may find disturbing and intended for an young adult audience. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 

In this episode, Kimi realized her true self to Yuri as she is an god that can control reality and grown tired of mankind fighting each other after each time loop, she did and decided to end it all by getting rid of them starting with Yuri's parents and then the rest of the residents of Kurosaki. Yuri then attempted to earn Kimi's favor only to be killed by Kimi herself, who ends up erasing everything. Having received the stone from Kimi earlier with instructions, Kanchan is forced to go against his faith to recite a protection spell on himself.


  1. I haven't seen something so messed up since End of Evangelion. This is right up there with that insanity.

    1. If you're an fan of Lovecraft stuff, this is pretty much like that.

  2. Guess she really wanted to know her friend inside and out.

  3. That b**** Yuri got exactly what she deserved. Her and her parents were the reasons for all the events that happened throughout the four episodes. Evil and psychotic. She was just using Kimi the whole time. Surprisingly, I don't have any animosity towards Kimi. She really hoped there was some good in these people. Unfortunately, it was not to be. She may have white hair now, but she still physically looks nine years old. She can always dye it brown again. And who knows, maybe she'll be able to find a girl around who will be a true friend to her now. We can only hope.

    1. So you were not shocked at this?

    2. Of course I was shocked at it. Yuri had a chance not to follow in her parents' footsteps, but no, she turned out to be no better than them. I wish things didn't end the way they did, but unfortunately it is what it is. Maybe Lain can be Kimi's new bestie.

    3. You think so? Kimi is based on the god named Yog-Sothoth, if the imagery shown during the time she arrived on Earth is anything to go by and her apparent powers over time-space. Also, the bubbles shown around her are likely supposed to be the Silver Globes described in the lore regarding Yog-Sothoth itself.
