Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Lupin III Part V: Ami Enan

She's Enzo's and Yuko's daughter. She's a skilled hacker thanks to her troubled childhood after her parents got divoced which led her to being kidnapped by child pornographers to serve as underaged models and, eventually, "merchandise" for pedophiles. After her daughter's disappearance, Yuko committed suicide when horrible rumors named her being responsible for this tragedy, leading Enzo to create PeopleLog, an app that links facial recognition with worldwide databases to create publicly accessible personal profiles to track down anybody on the planet no matter what they go. She adapted her life into the cyberworld thanks to her programming skills but her lifelong forced seclusion made her stoic and wary to the real world and prefered keeping people in touch solely through the internet which she dubbed her created interface module, "Underworld" until she met Lupin and his allies who freed her and shown her what is truly like in the outside world, making her more friendier and acceptable to others. These are from the first five episodes of Part 5.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Autismo hikki a QT3.14 and best Lup-ette!

    1. I love her. Do you think female redheads in anime are awesome?

    2. Dunno, depends. While there are some redheads I do like, just hair color itself isn't enough to do it for me.

    3. What are your favorite colors in girls' hair?

    4. Light green is my favorite color, but ironically enough, none of the girls I like even have green hair, lel.
      So I can still appreciate any shade of hair regardless since it's really the girl, herself, I find most ravishing.

    5. OK. I do like green haired girls but red is my all-time favorite hair color on female characters.
