Wednesday, December 21, 2022

My Dress-Up Darling: Marin Kitagawa (Episode 12)

This is from the summer festival where Gojo and Marin were at after Marin finished her homework. Marin worn a yukata that stun Gojo in surprise while he flustered over her beauty which made her happy and glad to see his reaction over it. The two had fun while Marin was stuffing her mouth with food and watched the fireworks together, and Gojo carried Marin home, when her feet were bruised from walking in sandals.


  1. Replies
    1. Not that it's a bad thing to do your own version of any character that was posted before or somebody else did it before you.

    2. @Dean: He's not doing anything wrong here. He's just giving his own tribute to the same character. I did the same thing in the past before. It just shows that you both really like the same characters.

    3. Why comment if you didn't say anything? Just ignore this post if you got nothing to say instead of .....

    4. So that pretty much what you do to mine.

  2. Deja vu!
    I've just been in this place before

    1. Quite familiar huh? Also, love the song, Deja vu by Dave Rodgers.

    2. Same, used it as added audio in one of my gameplay videos.

    3. Just some roguelike, never finished editing it though.
      Also GAS GAS GAS is an ebin beat too.
