Monday, February 27, 2023

Devil May Cry (anime): Angelina Hagel

She's Mike Hagel's daughter, who is the mayor of Capulet Town. She fell in love with Bradley at first sight after he healed her injury on her leg when running down a staircase on her way home but then her father warned her not to get involved with Bradley because he's an demon in disguise even going so far to locked her up in her bedroom until the problem is resolved. After overhearing her father that he hired Dante to kill Bradley, she ran out of the house to warn him about that but Brad himself wanted to keep her safe by sending her back home. Later, the truth was that the butler who was with her father attacked him and despite his cold-cruel actions towards his daughter, she cried over his fatal injury until Brad shown up and healed his injury and explained that he wasn't after his daughter over something terrible and wanted her to be happy. Mike then approved his daughter's relationship with Brad as Dante managed to kill the butler demon. This is from Episode 3.


  1. Hello again custum958 can i ask you for a favour because i saw a previous post of your about male feet can i sent you pictures of a character do post them please?

  2. I never played DMC. Is she a recurring character in the main series as well?

    1. Not that I know of. Are you new to DMC?

    2. >Is she a recurring character
      Nah, animu original.

  3. Beautiful girl, I'm glad she was healed.

  4. Dang, that meganeko is pretty BANG-BANG-banging, yo.
