Thursday, February 23, 2023

Mike, Lu & Og: Smelly Socks

This is from the episode, "Flustering Footwear Flotsam", where a cargo container falls off a trading ship and washes up on the island. In it, a bunch of footwear in different styles and the islanders were intrigued by the discover, while Mike can't stand them, as she remembered her past of tediously shoe shopping in Manhattan. The islanders took a quick liking to their new shoes, but they have some significant drawbacks on their lifestyles. It revealed Mike worn the same sneakers since her arrival of the island and they were sweating and stinking up her feet and socks since then.


  1. Stinky stinky stinky! I bet she could clear out an auditorium full of people.

  2. Imagine...

    ...If Mike, Lu & Og wasn't so bad, it got downgraded from CCF and chucked to a graveyard slot.
