Friday, March 17, 2023

Black Rock Shooter: Dawn Fall: Lunatic

She's an avatar of Artemis who was created by an scientist named Luna Griffith. She can be both playful and erratic with no sympathy toward wiping out life on planets with a sadistic look on her. As an humanoid A.I. made to expand humanity to other worlds, she got curious on why, she enjoys seeing mankind and their struggles and lifestyles as a means to gather data for each war and conflict. She is also interested to other matters outside of combat as she was entertained by Smiley, whom she kept tabs on regularly and even encouraged him on his sexual desires and plans to create a superior race of Hemiteos Unit hybrids. During her battles, she is always shown with a smile on her face, even when killing hundreds of people by blowing up places. This is from Episode 10.


  1. Luna and Artemis. I think I see a connection here.

  2. haha, hey, wouldn't it be, like, soooo funny if the word "magnificent" suddenly got filtered for, like, a week or three? haha
