Wednesday, March 1, 2023

M&M'S: Ms. Green

Ever wondered what a barefoot M&M looked like? Well here you go. Her feet seem to have a lot of focus in the past few months because Republicans tried to cancel her along with the other M&Ms characters all because she went from high heel boots to sneakers, I am dead F**king serious. I try to keep politics out of this blog but I’m sorry this whole thing was just complete stupidity. After the M&Ms gave the green M&M sneakers, made a purple M&M , and had a special pack of M&Ms for International Women’s Day right wingers exploded. They claimed that M&M'S went “woke” even though they have no idea what the word “woke” means. They think the new purple M&M is Trans and they made the green M&M gay, none of those things happened but Republicans still believe it. So the M&M'S decided to replace the M&M'S characters with Maya Rudolph as the new spokesperson for M&Ms. It was later revealed that it was a joke the M&M'S characters are still gonna be around despite right wing commentators like F**ker Carlson trying to cancel a god damn candy. I’m sorry for this long winded rant I just needed to get that out of my system because that whole “issue” was so goddamn stupid.


  1. Why do you keep capitalising the F in fuck

  2. Ye, heard about that whole M&Ms claptrap, like the green and brown holding hands and green losing the sex appeal she had when she started, to square with the new brown so she doesn't eclipse her or whatever. Oh and then that ruse cruise, with the do do do, do do lady's daughter, lel.
    They did make a few changes, albeit superficial, really just to bait folks since everything nowadays is about banking on reactionary culture as a tactic. All manufactured controversy for publicity, though wasn't as overt as they do with games and comics, cause Mars is like an ancient boomer company, but all boils down to marketing in the end, sadly (or those failing ESG funds, even sadder).
    What was funny though is how, Le ebin troll in irl, Carlson, lives in so many peoples' heads rent free, when he pretty much just does the same thing as M&Ms, baiting folks, then them making endless reaction vids off his purposely controversial statements allover the net,lel.

  3. I love it! These are the best mascots in the world!

  4. Left wingers aren't any better, trying to cancel the Last of Us just because the black characters are dead

  5. Cool m&ms feet pics. But that wall o text man....yeesh...
