Monday, June 19, 2023

Custom's Picks: Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King

This movie takes place after the six-month timeskip where the Clover Kingdom join forces with the Heart Kingdom for a war against the Spade Kingdom, who was too strong for either of the two kingdoms separately. Before dealing with the Spade Kingdom, the Clover Kingdom have to fight against the previous Wizard Kings: Edward Avalache, Princia Funnybunny and Jester Garandaros, who were all revived by Conrad Leto, Julius Novachrono's predecessor, who once commanded the respect of the people in the Clover Kingdom. However, he unexpectedly turned against the kingdom and was subsequently sealed away by Julius himself. Now, Conrad has resurfaced, and wield the "Imperial Sword" and seeks to destroy the Clover Kingdom and bring forth a new era where equality prevails by reviving those whom he considers deserving of a place in his envisioned society.