Monday, August 14, 2023

Digimon Ghost Game: Ruli's Stockings (Episode 63)

This is where Ruli was being monstrous after eating a crunchy chocolate pellet, which cause her to become ravenously hungry to the point of eating increasingly huge meals throughout the day only to still feel like starving, then mutating into a monster with a gaping jawline and slender, long arms and trying to eat Gammamon, Hiro and Kiyoshiro before fainting from getting her hearty foods. When her main team brought her to Mummymon for a check-up, the lights then suddenly explode, and a pink-colored Quartzmon emerges out from her malnourished body. Kiyoshiro, Hiro and their Digimon went up in the sky and found the real Quartzmon and fought it.