Thursday, October 5, 2023

Castlevania Nocturne: Annette

She's an slave born in Saint-Demingue who was send by the gods, Ogun and Orunmila from her mom's spiritual side. She seeks justice against the vampires, but her temper and anger endanger her friends. She later discovered the truth about her ancestry's power after her mother's death for using magical wards equipped with witchcraft and her vampire master ordered his workers to take her away. She can make weapons from dust and metallic particles to deflect the iron that was about to kill her and escape. After escaping to a city and met Edouard, she then was helped by him and an voodoo priestess (her mentor who taught her how to use her magic more effectively) within the revolution, created by Edouard, to eliminate vampires. This is from Episode 3.