Tuesday, November 21, 2023

TenPuru: Mia Christoph

  Mia was seen as a very aggressive and hostile young girl, she hated Akagami for being a man and that hatred worsened when she found out that he was from the infamous Akagami clan, she wanted him out of the shrine,

She was also shown to be psychotic as shown when she wanted to kill Akagami and sell his organs or when she wanted to Castrate him if he lost his duel with her. she used real weapons on him such as a real Katana and real Arrows.

However deep down there is a sweet girl who is also cursed with a bad family name as her mother was just like Akagami's father having multiple lovers and she was judged by others for her family name. She also enjoys castrating men, having already castrated 50 of them.


  1. Man, from all that's said, I wouldn't want to rub her the wrong way.

  2. >She also enjoys castrating men, having already castrated 50 of them
    Reminds me of someone.
