Friday, December 29, 2023

Digimon Adventure (2020): Rosemon's Debut

From Episode 55, this is where Mimi and Lilymon entrusted each other to defeat BanchoMamemon in order to save the Digimon School run by Babamon, the principal of the school. Babamon offered both Mimi and Palmon to be able to enter his institute as long as they sign a document, the two agree but are forced to train like the rest of the Digimon. Then Mimi and Palmon tried to fight back but are quickly defeated by Babamon, so they returned to carry out grueling workouts. Later, the two talk to Jijimon who explains to him that not long before one of their students, BanchoMamemon, had managed to get to the mega level but then became a delinquent, so Babamon tried to explain to him how to make good use of his powers, but he left school, causing the instructor to become more rigid with her students.