Thursday, February 29, 2024

An Leap Day

Today, Febrauary 29th, is an leap day. This occurs every four years and if somebody is born on this day, how would you celebrate it? Wait for another four years or do it on the 28th? But as for female feet, will you play with their feet on this leap day or wait until March? For me, this day will be having girls' bare feet leaping towards you.


  1. Good 'ol Hiro Mashima, awakening people's fetishes they didn't know they already had.

    It's "a" before consonant sound, "an" before vowel sound.

    1. Excuse me, why are you keep correcting my misspelling like you can spell more professional than me?

    2. I honestly don't believe I ever have before, unless your confusing me with someone else.
      Also your spelling is fine, it was your grammar. But then again, I noticed I just messed up my apostrophe placement above, lel

    3. And messed up my >you're*.
