Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Shy: Lenya Andranof (akaTzveta )

 Tzveta was cold, emotionless and ruthless. She didn't hesitate at any moment to hurt her own daughter, and she presented herself completely distant from the feelings shown by Shy and Spirits, but she had a certain obsession with feeling "warmth", an obsession that made her follow Stigma.  Pepesha describes Lenya as expressionless, but talkative as soon as she got drunk, and Teru notices that mother and daughter are kind of similar in that regard. Even though she never expressed it while she was still alive, Lenya loved her daughter deeply, and would go to great lengths such as neglecting her own well-being to grant Pepesha's, however, until the end of her life, she thought of herself as unworthy of being her mother. After being revived as Tzveta and recovering her memories upon absorbing Spirit's power, her regrets showed themselves. Shy points out how similar she is to Iko about how she thinks she has to sacrifice herself for the behalf of other people and, given how much Tzveta denies it at first, it proves how much she resents never telling Pepesha how much she loved her.

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