Thursday, February 22, 2024

Tenkai Knights: Wakamei Dalton

She's Toxsa's older sister and an waitress who worked at her family diner. She cares for her little brother despite being overprotective and is very skilled at running and soccer. She looked after her brother due to their parents gone bust overseas. Once she found out Toxsa is an Tenkai Knight, she couldn't tell whether or not he was lying but locked him in the garage to prevent him from doing anything dangerous. After Toxsa escaped from being locked away, she went after him but ended up back in Mr. White's shop. Mr. White himself also told her the truth and showed her a battle between the boys and Slyger. Eventually, Wakamei decides she can't stop Toxsa and pretends she thinks he's been playing a video game. This is from Episode 10.



  1. Oh, you KNOW they purposely made this scene for the feet.

  2. Forgot that Bones actually worked on this show and in conjunction with Canada.

    1. Also, how much do you know about this anime or any show you watched? Because it's more on the production side and not about the post you're commenting on.

    2. I've been curious about it because I first noticed it on some fetish sites years back. Still haven't actually watched it though. See, normally I just pick up on shit simply through the osmosis of being online so it's not like I'm steeped that deep into it.

    3. OK. I was wondering why kids' anime like this got such lovely female feet.
