Friday, February 22, 2008

Azula 3

To celebrate 100 entries of my writing blog, I posted the climax of the Azula beach volleyball pics

(Caps are once again taken from the Azula's best barefoot appearance: Avatar episode 3X05: The Beach)
Well I'm off to give Azula the final foot massage I owe her.
Enjoy the pics everyone!!!


  1. how can u make one of Azula and not one of Toph?

  2. Azula is my favorite avatar girl but you raise a good point...Toph does go barefoot a lot.I should really try to do a post for her.

  3. if u want, what is ur email; i have a bunch of Toph and they are only sole shots

  4. Those shots sound pretty cool. My email is
    Thanks very much for offering.

  5. I also remember what Azula said once her team won the game. The next touching moment I write about her will be based off of this scene. That was a spoiler. I loved that last set of pics you added, KSC. Brought back nice memories. BTW, your massage chapters for Azula kicked ass. Keep on writing/blogging.

    Daniel Wickie

  6. Oh yeah that line stuck in my memory as well (Azula...*shakes head laughing*)and I can't wait to see how you incorporate it in your story. Also thanks for the compliment on the Azula massage chapters. I'm glad you liked them.

  7. It probably won't be those EXACT words, but something like that. Well, I'm off to conquer my writer's block before she turns me into a roasted weiner. Keep on massaging *laughs hard*

    Daniel Wickie

  8. I'm looking forward to your next chapter DW and like I said Burn medication nearby.

    :) Like Azula is giving me a choice.

    Thanks again.

  9. I've heard of committment to playing a game, but this is ridiculous. I feel sorry for the other team, KSC.

