Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dark Magician Girl

(Basically the scene involves a Cinderella monster encasing the Dark Magician Girl's lovely feet in glass slippers to lower her life points. The caps are from episode 197)
I know...almost too good to be true right? Once again massive props to SFD for catching and helping me track down this scene. I can't believe I missed this awesome episode when it aired.
Ok everyone...I've given you quite a lot to stare at for today. Enjoy!!!!


  1. Oh man. I love the Dark Magician Girl and her beautiful feet. I can't believe i never saw them before. Thanks for these awesome pics

  2. Damn she's got some beautiful feet! :)

    I am so happy that you put these shots up.
    Thanks again man. Keep up the good work!

  3. We need more foot pics of her.

  4. I would have the feral imp to rub them! ( Even though he would give her static electricity. Har har! A prank and a massage! Ha ha! Funny me!

  5. I would have the feral imp to rub them! ( Even though he would give her static electricity. Har har! A prank and a massage! Ha ha! Funny me!

  6. Uuuuh, i did not mean to post it two times.😫
