Saturday, May 3, 2008

New Look, Poll of the Month etc

In order to fix some font problems I was having, I updated the look of my blog. I hope you guys like the new color scheme. I'm still in the process of trying to perfect it so bear with me. ^_^ Right now my biggest problem is getting my entries to skip lines between paragraphs.

Just for fun...I also added a poll of the month feature to this blog allowing viewers to share their input about which DC comic girl's feet they would like to worship. (Just look to the side of this entry) Voting is anonymous and you don't need a blogger account to vote so everyone is able to participate. I'd like to thank those that have already taken the poll and I hope more people decide to take it as well.

On a related topic SFFan has added a poll of his own, deciding which Sailor Senshi to write his next foot fetish story about, which you can check out at his blog here

Ok...that's it for tonight. Check back tommorow evening for the second of a series of bonus blog updates I'll be doing involving the sexy Birds of Prey!!!

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