Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Code Lyoko Sissi (Bonus)

The Master of Sole Captures Match25 is at it again...this time bringing us the woman of Code Lyoko. I know absolutely nothing about this series but the girls look fairly cute. First up...we have Sissi:

(Once again we have the legendary Master of Sole Shots to thank for these pictures. Nice work again Match!)
Ok I have a couple of midweek spotlights for you. One of my favorite Writing.com interactives of all time the Naruto and Feet interactive has finally received a new string of additions lately from multiple authors including its creator Melroser76 himself (woohoo). http://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1327862/action/outline The most recent set of additions were a series of 5 new chapters starring Kiba's sisters Hana from the author Barons yesterday morning but he joins the users Greeniui, Feetlover, Joejoe, Kiddo, Edmistany and Mage in adding some new chapters to the stories.
Also my friend SFD recently added a new videogame girl poll to his blog that he wanted me to mention. http://sffan.blogspot.com/ Check it out and vote if you have the chance.
Ok...that will bring my this entry to a close. Also for those that liked this set of caps, I have good news for you...more Code Lyoko is coming up.
See you guys again soon!


  1. glad you enjoyed her so much KSC, she was a very good find especially when she practically puts her soles right infront of the screen. just so mouthwatering to the sight she like May Wong has a dominatrix style personality where once again i wouldnt mind being her foot boy

  2. Sissi is very cute. Speaking of a dominitrix type personality, I think Hasegawa also has a dominitrix type of personality as well.

    As for May Wong. I still can't get over that sole shot you gave me of her. o_o

    Nice job once again man!

  3. its my pleasure taking such clear quality pics of these barefoot beauties. im just glad there is a website where i can have them posted for other barefoot beauty fans to enjoy
