Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cowboy Bebob: Faye Valentine (Bonus)

When dealing with Cowboy Bebop, the female character that most people think about is Faye Valentine. Fortunately, Match provided us with some great sole shots of her as well. :-D

(Once again we have to thank the Legendary Master of Sole Shots for providing us pictures of this pretty girl's soles. Nice Capping man! I also added in a few classic webfinds of her to back him up.)

Alright guys. That's it for tonight...I'll try and post more stuff soon.

Enjoy the pictures everyone!!


  1. for a gypsy girl im suprised she isnt constantly barefoot

  2. Man she's hot...I forgot to ask you you which episode you capped her barefoot?

  3. that would be Toys in the Attic ep 11 when she is taking a bath right before the strange creature attacks her and episode 24 Hard Luck Woman where Ed suprises her when Faye is trying to figure out about her past and (sobs) the last ep Edward is on

  4. Ah, thanks. I'm definitely going to have to check those episodes out. Faye's feet rock.

  5. in truth i only took her pics because i could; not a Faye fans because like Jessie she is too conceded for my taste

  6. So...if she took off her boots and asked you to massage her feet...does that mean you would turn her down?

  7. obviously not, she still has nice feet, but she wouldnt be my first choice to do so. like if Ed also asked i would go for hers

  8. A gypsy, Match?

    I almost forgot about the times where Faye was barefoot. I guess it's because I haven't seen the series in a long time. I oughta smack myself with a wet fish for my bad memory, KSC. Faye's feet look just as hot as she does. And while I'm still on the subject of her feet, I think I remember seeing a time where she was barefoot and she visibly showed her painted toes to the screen or thereabouts. It could be just my imagination, but if someone would check that out, that would be a great help. Long story short, cool pictures of a cool girl with equally cool feet. Never tone down your awesomeness level, KSC.

    Daniel Wickie

  9. yeah there was a scene where Ed was painting her toes but remember i only take sole shots

    and yes, the first time they had Faye she lied by stating she was a gypsy

  10. I understand that, Match. I was only asking if that actually happened and that thing I saw on YouTube wasn't really my mind playing a trick on me. I have a bad memory when it comes to things I haven't seen in a long time. But thank you for clearing that up with me. And before I forget, Faye, too, is a tomboy. ;) Another reason why thi show was so great.

    Daniel Wickie

  11. ??? how is she a tomboy, she flirts, her chest is at least 89cm, she wears revealing outfits

  12. Really a toenail painting scene too?!!!! Wow...Maybe I should do an extended tribute for her.

    Thanks guys.

    P.S. Thanks're definitely awesome as well.

  13. Also for the record while I would never turn down a pretty girl if she asked me for a massage. There are a few girls whose personality would make me hesitate before worshiping their feet so I know what you're talking about Match.

    Faye isn't one of them though and not only would I worship her feet if she asked me too, I probably would beg her to worship them as well. Yup...I guess with pretty girls like her, I have no pride :-p

  14. no complants KSC, we all have our own tastes and ways we wish to worship the soft sweet moutwatering barefeet of beautiful women

  15. Well Match, Faye does have moments were she's a bit rowdy and she's regularly brash, which is another tomboyish trait. Not to mention her choice of outfit; the average woman wouldn't wear that in public nonchalantly like her. That's my hypothesis, anyway.

  16. Wow I just saw that toenail painting scene with her O_O She is so getting another bonus!

  17. just sad that those are the only two times that she shows off her soles though

  18. Yeah, that's a real shame there. We needed more scenes like that. At least we have KSC to cheer us up, as he has another bonus planned with Faye's feet. And despite her attitude throughout the series, I would not mind at all if she asked me to give her feet a rub down, not after seeing her feet.

    And by the way Match, if you wanted to rub Ed's feet, you would have to be nice to her a little first before asking her. And judging by her character, she'd probably be confused by what you mean by "foot rub". That is, of course, until you offer to show her, and she'll most likely say "yes". And when you start, not only would she be surprised, but she'd definitely like you even more. Talk about lucky, eh?

    Sorry if I made you guys drool all over your keys, by the way. I'm evil like that.

    Daniel Wickie

  19. lol true, she is a genius on the computers and talented enough to use her feet to type and use the mouse but beyond that she is pretty absent minded

  20. Does that mean you agree with the method of starting "foot play" with Ed that I mentioned earlier?

  21. to worship those lovely soles i would do anything

  22. In that case, you'll have to do almost nothing to get to her feet. :D

  23. Any tips for getting Faye to let me paint her toenails?

  24. she has a dominitrix style personality, with that i bet u can think of something

  25. I have one, KSC. Make sure you stay on her good side if you wish to get real close to her feet.

  26. O_O Wow...she's has a dominitrix type personality too Match ... Now she seems even hotter to me.

    I'll try my best DW.

  27. I know you will, buddy. You always come back in one piece after every encounter with a woman who's both beautiful yet deadly. Not only that, but you also come back with the smell of feet on your hands and/or face. :D lmao

  28. :-D That's definitely a pleasant thought.
