Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kaleido Star Bonus 5: Anna Heart

Next up we have Anna. She looks pretty hot don't you think?

(This bonus is a combination of a webfind and Match25's unrivaled Sole capping ability. Once again Nice Job yet again Match!)
Anyone else think this girl vaguely resembles Lunamaria from Gundam Seed. It just makes me all the more attracted to her.
Anyway, don't change that dial...more Kaleido Star action is coming up!!


  1. You know, she DOES resemble Lunamaria Hawke. That's what I like to see, KSC. Keep on blogging.

    Daniel Wickie

  2. What he said, KFC. And she should be glad it's not me she's in front of. With those feet in the air, I might reach out and grab them.


  3. Nuts I thought my name was Jacobitis proof being long or only using initials. I forgot about the chicken company.

  4. I'm afraid not, mister. No one is safe from the Soft Feather's misinterpreting powers! :-D And speaking of KFC, I have a joke for you: why did the chicken cross the road?

    And yes, Anna is indeed sexy.


  5. His powers are impressive. Do you have a witty response in mind for the chicken joke or was it rhetorical?

  6. They ran to escape KFC and into Grandpa Whistling Elk's protection that's why. Since DW hasn't told me about you, are you female?

  7. I'm just kidding. Mostly. He told me everything he knows about you, including the stories you made involving the women I'm about to be paired up with. Good stuff.

    Jacob F.

  8. i remember after i watched the first few episodes the soles i wanted to get more than any of them were hers. it nearly went to the end of that series but i got them, sadly it was the only pair but a great pair none the less

  9. I can sympathize, Match. I liked her too, and her nice looking soles. It just goes to show that the best of times never last. But still, you did a good job finding these. Keep on searching.


  10. if i can get my piece of crud computer dvd player to start working i will

  11. Yeah Match I can definitely relate to your experience with Anna. I kept waiting for a good foot scenes of Azula and Suki which didn't come until the final episode. Luckily they were definitely worth the wait. :-D

    There have been a few times where I wasn't as lucky. Ironically with Lunamaria.

  12. to all that cares, i have finally got my movie player back up, once i get an anime that has great sole shots i will be taking more great pics.

    and i knew they have shown the rest of the female cast barefooted so they had to show suki's, just kind of bites they never gave a clear sole shot of Mai and Ty Lee; i mean a goth girl and a circus girl those would have been prized collections

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. That's great Match, looks like the master of sole capping is back at full power and yeah more foot scenes involving those two girls would definitely have been really nice. ^_^

  15. Looks like the Match is lit up again! I'm glad you now have your player all fixed up. I'm eager to see what new shots await us.

    And KSC? Have you ever thought of an answer to my previous question? About whether or not I should add these babes to my interactive? If anyone's reading this, give me a reply. Anyone at all.

  16. I would definitely love to see these women in your interactive DW especially May Wong. ^_^ From these picture's safe to say that I've become addicted to these girls' feet.

  17. Come Friday, they'll be in my interactive.

  18. I think it's safe to say both me and Jacob are looking forward to friday. :-D

  19. I don't know about Jake...

  20. I now have additions of the Kaleido Star girls now in my interactive. I hope you all enjoy them. I know Jake would be groaning in frustration. And if you're reading this Match25, the Tophsome One herself is now in there too.

    Daniel Wickie

  21. send a link and i will see how it levels up from awesome to tophsome

  22. Here's the link, Match. Once you enter it, go to List Recent Additions. It has all the Kaleido chicks in it and Toph. She's at the very top of the list. Let me know if it's Tophsome enough.

  23. Oops the last bit broke off. I'll post it in your dA journal, okay?

