Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kaleido Star Bonus 7: Sora

Just kidding...You didn't think I would forget to post Sora...did you? Anyway let's close out Kaleido Star with style. ^_^

(These jaw dropping caps came directly from the Match25. )

So there you have it. After 7 beautiful women, 39 pictures and 33 amazing sole time to close the chapter on this amazing series of caps. I bet if you didn't have a foot fetish by the time I started posting certainly have one now. :-D

Once again, I'd like to thank the Master of Sole Shots for giving me the pictures to put these bonus together. Without him...this set of tributes would never have been possible. Match if you're reading this (and I'm sure you are ^_^) you totally rock man.

Ok...after 7 consecutive bonuses, I'm pretty wiped out in terms of energy. I'm probably spend tommorow resting up and I'll also be getting home late so I don't know if I'll have a chance to post my end of the week bonus. If I don't get around to it...I'll post it on Saturday evening.

Ok everyone...Enjoy the pictures!!!


  1. Wow I finally finished. 7 updates over the course of two I'm tired out.

    So which of these girls was your favorite guys? Mine was May Wong (I loved that last sole shot of her) but Sora was definitely a close second.

    1. I wanted to do an update on Sora from this anime, KSC. This seems like a brutal challenge to post.

  2. I don't have one. BTW KSC,check out my blog for some interesting Tidbits about Today's Cartoons.

  3. My personal favourite would have to be Sora. Why? Because of the fact that I'm greedy for sole shots. :P Joking aside, I really think you did another excellent job with uploading shots, especially since the babes ar from one of my favourite animes. And I think the Master of Sole Shots deserves a big pat on the back too for giving you the idea and the pics. Keep on blogging, everybody!

    Daniel Wickie

  4. Sora's definitely an understandable choice considering those pictures. I have a feeling a lot of other viewers agree with you too and you're completely right DW. Match certainly deserves a huge pat on the back for these series of pictures.

    Thanks for reading guys.

  5. picture #5=ouch!

    That's not how you massage a foot, numbnuts! That's not even the foot, period! What did Sora do to deserve such torture?

    With utmost sympathy,
    Jacob Foot

  6. Was that what he was doing? I guess I need to watch this series. My favorite of this set was the first pic. It's cool to see Sora pointing her foot directly at the camera.

  7. my favorite always has to be the Tomboy, so its a tie between Rosetta and Anna

    Oh and what he was doing was stretching her legs after she had been torturously training for a bit act. she damaged her soles horribly i couldnt believe even if it is an anime that they would ever be the same.

    Glad u liked this series of lovely Barefoot Beauties; so far this anime has the most sole shots out of any anime i have gotten so far and a must rent

  8. When my last comment was posted, I was only kidding about what was happening in shot #5. I saw this before, so I knew what went down. I just have a wild sense of humor, you guys.

    Daniel Wickie

  9. Oh...I never seen Kaleido Star before so it seemed possible that he was giving her a massage albeit a painful one. Speaking of don't see that many female characters getting foot massages in animes. Kind of sad now that I think about it. :-(

  10. that is true, one does need some good foot massage scenes (and worship)

  11. Oh yeah...foot worship scenes would be great as well. ^_^

  12. Both of you are right on this issue. Even "they" need a little TLC now and then, don't you think?


  13. What episode is this? Please tell me so I can watch this episode!!

  14. any particular image you are asking about Deon?

  15. What episode is it? Someone please tell me!

  16. this entire post is made up of 2 seasons worth of images. So what particular image are you asking about Deon?

    1. I'm talking Picture #18 about Sora on the rope with her barefeet

  17. The picture I'm talking about is picture #18. What episode is it?
