Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Bonus #1: Aya Brea

In honor of Halloween I prepared a couple of special bonuses for you guys. I decided to start things off wirh a sexy survival horror heroine...Aya Brea. Enjoy!!!

(These are a combination of webfinds and caps. By the way...the place that I got the clip to cap this from, theSoleSurvivor's channel, is also worth checking out for its foot related material as well. God Bless Youtube!!)

You probably also noticed that Aya Brea (who started out as an NYPD officer) also made my poll of the month and has definitely proven she has her share of fans out there. (Speaking of which...last chance to vote everyone.) Looking at this sexy blonde, who could argue that being punished by her feet isn't a awesome scenario to be in?

Ok guys, they'll be more Halloween surprises to come later. See you soon!!!


  1. Not familiar with this chick, but she has some nice, pedicured toes there. Very attractive. And it looks like Samus has this one in the bag for sure. I think I know why she's going to win this one, KSC.

  2. Aya's from the squaresoft game Parasite Eve.

    You do...why?

  3. Yes. But this does not mean I don't like Samus. I just didn't think she'd be this popular, you know? But tell me, will you have anything planned for Samus when she wins?

  4. im glad to see Sole Survivor is enjoying this site

  5. The SoleSurvivor is here? Where?

  6. Well, actually I just capped that clip. I was just sharing the link that I got it from because it has more clips like it on there. It's more of the other way around Match.

  7. oh i see i told him about this site a while ago and i though he had finally shown up

  8. just on youtube, i knew him back when he was using his old SN before his account was block. i dont like how he focuses more on video games where he used to focus on animes

  9. Why? What's wrong with games? Some of the hottest women ever known were from games.

  10. there is nothing wrong, but the sole shots just arent as clear compared to anime soles

  11. Oh, I see. I guess so too.

  12. By the way KSC, did you notice that Aya looks like a mature version of Naminé?

  13. Oooooo. Now there's an encouraging thought......

  14. I never thought of her looking like a mature version of Nami before but now that you mention're right.

  15. Naminé, not Nami.

  16. oops...yeah she looks like her too. Actually both of them are square characters.

  17. No, she isn't. Naminé is a Square character. Nami is a One Piece character. And this girl looks nothing like Nami. You sure you didn't have any celebratory drinks on Hallowe'en, Triton? No Manischewitz wine or anything?

  18. I was taking about Aya and Namine not Nami and Namine

  19. uh talking not taking...maybe I'm drunk after all. :-P

  20. I thought so. :D

    But regardless, no one can deny that Aya here looks like Naminé. The hair colour, the eye colour, the shape of her face, her hair style (including the bangs), she even wears a dress and a pair of sandals. Is all of this for real... or not? XD

  21. You got the joke, right?

  22. You know, the one I put at the end about whether or not it was for real? ;)

  23. Yeah...I didn't catch it at first but once you asked whether I got the joke. I recognized the Namine reference. ^_^

  24. Actually, the joke came from the opening line for the first Kingdom Hearts game. You know, the thing Sora said at the very beginninng?

  25. Oh I thought you were refering to Namine's powers in chain of memories.

  26. Nope, I was referring to the opening of Kingdom Hearts. It was too funny not to add it to that comment. :D

    BTW, did you know that Suare-Enix is creating a remake of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the PS2?

  27. Well, I'm looking forward to it for sure. ^_^ I look forward to seeing the characters, including Larxene, in glorious 3D graphics. I can't wait until December. Can you?

  28. And furthermore, are you familiar with the term "Mary Sue"?

  29. Yes. The description below is what one of those shitbags are usually like in the fanfiction world. *rolls eyes*

    A "Mary Sue" is a term for those 'fanmade' female characters who turn up in a heck of a lot of fanfics. Typically they have uber powers, know everything about the main characters, have one or more of the main characters fall in love with them, and have absolutely no personality. They're basically the fanficcer's 'self insert' character.

    A Gary Stu (male version of it) is something similar to the above paragraph. And that's something that I don't intend to make Jake of. *shakes head*

  30. Well...It looks like you're on the right track with Jake. He definitely has his own personality, has yet to find out Azula's complete backstory and I wouldn't classify him as having uber powers.

    Of course, whether one of the main characters falls in love with him remains to be seen...but if it's written well (the way you've been writing so far), I wouldn't mind.
