Monday, November 3, 2008

Chaos Head: Aoi Sena (Bonus)

Calling this scene your ultimate Anime foot fetish fantasy fulfilled doesn't do this scene justice. Why? Well see for yourself...

(This scene proves once again exactly why Match25 is the Legendary Master of Sole Shots as he completely outdoes himself once again providing me with the clip and a webfind for this episode that has become my new desktop background. :-D Massive thanks for this man. To make it easier for people to track down this scene, (which I know all of you are going to be doing after seeing these caps), these came from Chaos Head episode 4.)

Wow...This scene had everything didn't it? Sexy footwear stripping, gorgeous close-ups on both the tops and bottoms of Aoi's feet, a Hot POV as Aoi Slowly brings her sexy soles towards the screen, foot domination plus she even brings up worship. It definitely join Azula's foot scrub, and the Chun Li vs Vega fight in my favorites list.

Ok guys...I'm going to go back to staring at this girl's soles and imagining her trying to make me confess. O_O Have a nice day everyone and as usual...more to come soon!!!


  1. If she wanted to make me confess, it would take more than that to make ME do so. :D *giggle*

    This has to be the coolest thing you and Match have ever done in this blog. I URGE you to keep on posting.

    VERY, VERY sincerely,
    Daniel Wickie

  2. i have plenty more sole shots in my collection (and all the ones ive already sent KSC) to help for quite some time

  3. And I can't help but smile at the fact that no one else in the background is noticing this. *laughs*

  4. holy hell o.o ima cut this short so i can go watch this show
    great work ! (that was short)

  5. Hey! Looks like we got fan in our midst. :D Watch it freely, Lawliet.

  6. I saw this scene posted in a forum this week-end, and I promptly started to watch this serie.

    I have a picture of the same girl in the same position in my collection. Probably from the Manga or something.

  7. My reaction to this scene was that my jaw dropped in shock as I thought did she just do that? Then I rewound the clip and played it again...several times. ^_^

  8. im glad you found it as enjoyable as i did KSC, cant wait to see what you do with everything else i sent you

  9. i do believe if she became a cop, she would get a lot of confessions lol

  10. Indeed. :D Any objections?

  11. You know what I meant by that, Trition?

  12. Okay. I'll take that as a "yes". :)

  13. O_O If you mean adding her to your story then you must have read my mind. :-D

  14. Yes, that's what I meant. And I already have. :)

  15. I just checked that chapter out. Sweet!!

  16. Not only that, but I plan on adding another girl to my interactive as well. Yes, she's from that same series. However, there's only one slot available, so I can't add the other girls right now. However, being the fair guy that I am, I will be holding "try outs". ;)

  17. That should be very and I bet a lot of fun for you. ;-) What kind of tests do you have lined up for them? Tickling endurance? Contests to determine which girl's feet smell, taste and feel the best? How about which girl is the best at using their feet to give you a facial massage? O_O

  18. Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes! :D But before all of those, I'm gonna have to give them all a prerequisite test: testing the sensitivity of all five of the pairs of feet I'm gonna be with for the try outs. You know what kind of test I'm talking about here?

  19. i know this has nothing to do with anything but if Faith from Mirror's Edge has a barefoot/sole scene that would be so sweet

  20. Oh yeah. I've been thinking about that too. BTW, don't take this too seriously, but since Mirror Edge is a first person action game, I guess that means whoever plays it will have her (most likely) pretty feet. =P

  21. And as for the sensitivity prerequisite that I was talking about Triton, I was actually talking about a test to see how sensitive the feet of the other five girls really are before I begin the other ones.

    What I'll be doing is I'll be testing their sensitivity be using these objects: an icecube, a very warm compress, a sewing needle, and a nerve wheel (you know what that is, right?). And I'll also use one other test for sensitivity: a two minute long foot massage for each one. You know, to see how they would react to feel finger rubbing their feet. :) True, two minutes isn't long enough to give them good foot massages, but I can't forget prorities.

    That's what I meant by "sensitivity test", buddy. ^_^

  22. I googled Faith and Mirror's edge to see what she looked like she's pretty hot Match.

    Sounds like your tryouts will be fun Kyle. Let me know if you need any help testing them. ;-)What's a nerve wheel btw?

  23. Who knows? I may need a "second opinion". ;) And as for what a nerve wheel is, this picture will explain it better than my own words. It definitely is a good tool for checking reflexes, I'll say that much.

  24. That's what a nerve wheel looks like, Triton. *nods* Evil, huh?

  25. Oh that's definitely evil. ^_^Thanks for the picture Kyle.
