Friday, December 5, 2008

Buffy (Bonus)

I got back pretty late tonight so this one's going to have to be quick. These are just a couple of comic book shots of Buffy that I thought were cute.

(Just a few webfinds I found at Otakuphrenia)
Even in comic book form Buffy looks pretty hot in a swimsuit. Maybe one day I'll do a bonus for Sarah Michelle Geller's feet as well.

Ok everyone...I'll try to post something more substantial tommorow night (maybe even a few spotlights). Have a good night guys.


  1. Just as good as my posting of Willow Rosenberg in her bare feet on my blog (check back a few years). Great job.

  2. That Willow post was hot...thanks for the comments guys. I'm glad there are other Buffy fans here.

  3. huh... they have the girls attractive and men as vicious creatures that attack women, does anyone see a sexist angle here?

  4. Not me, no. *shakes head*

    Are you suggesting that the women in this shouldn't be attractive?

  5. So what are you saying? You've lost me, kind of.

  6. im stating that they are making the guys look like vicious brutes

  7. Maybe the ones Buffy's facing are brutes.

  8. But you gotta admit, Buffy sure is a hot one.

  9. You don't see that? Just look at her, man.

  10. we must just have different tastes, i see no redeeming attractive quality in her at all, not even her feet

  11. I guess so. To me, her feet look like something I may write a story about.
