Friday, February 6, 2009

Disney Invasion Week: Mulan (Bonus)

For over 80 years Walt Disney films have brought childhood dreams to life and it's heroines are some of the most memorable and lovable characters out there. To honor these gorgeous female characters, me and Match25 have prepared a weeklong series of tributes to them. First up is Mulan. Enjoy guys!!

(These were capped from the Mulan movie. I have to give a tremendous thank you to Match25 (the Legendary Master of Sole Shots) for not only finding the Solesurvivor clip I capped these from but also inspiring and helping get this series of bonuses together. You'll be seeing his name in the credits alot this week :-D)

Heroines don't get much better than Mulan and it's hard not to admire her. She's a brave, compassionate, smart, strong and beautiful woman. She risks her life to protect her family, and through sheer determination and dedication breaks a social barrier, becomes a hero and gains the respect of an entire nation. Alot of people dismiss Disney movies as kid's stuff but Mulan's film proves that they can be just as dramatic and powerful as any other film. The scenes where Mulan symbolically cuts her hair and retrieves the arrow are some of the most poignant moments in film. ^_^

Ok...I'm just getting started with the Disney girls. There's definitely a lot more tributes to them over the next couple of days. Have a nice night everyone and as usual...more to come soon!!!


  1. what a great way to start off the barefoot beauties of the Disney world. From all the work we put into this massive mega bonus (probably the biggest one you have ever had on this site) i know there is more lovely soles to come

  2. Yup,you said it match. And Contrary to popular belief,Animated Disney Movies and Cartoons aren't just for children.

    Mulan is one of my favorite movies.

  3. Oh and KSC,Check my blog for something good.

  4. Yeah Match I've counted a total of 16 women in this bonus (including the trio coming up next). It's definitely the biggest set that we ever worked on. Hopefully it will turn out really good.*Crosses fingers* ^_^

    Anyway, I'll post the next set soon guys.

  5. In that Disney-Sailor Moon pic,Mulan was Sailor Mercury...kinda unfitting.

  6. After ariel, I think mulan is the next best disney babe with a sweet pair of feet. However - I've noticed a scene or 2 thats been missing - when mushu wakes her up at the campsite 4 breakfast there's a small but sweet shot of her twitching her toes from the cold as mushsu pulls her blanket off, & when she gets out of the river later on theres some nice shots when mushu says - "don't look at me, I ain't biting no more butts"

  7. i probably missed it because at the time i was focusing on only sole shots

  8. O_O Those sound like really hot scenes Martin...I'll try and find them.

  9. it's been ages since I last saw that movie, and I forgot how many Foot shots were in it

    Mulan has such nice Feet, leave it to Disney to always know how to animate women Feet so well

  10. :-D Yeah...we've been really lucky with the Disney films getting to see a lot of them barefoot. :-)

    Mulan is definitely one of their hotter ones too. ^_^

  11. Nice... kind of wish the pics were higher quality though... and that the animators put q little more detail into them. :/

    1. If I get the chance I'll try to get DVD or blue ray caps to update this one.I agree the more detailed the animators make the feet the better. ^_^
