Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bleach Watch (Bonus)

In my last entry, I mentioned 4 major sets of tributes that I was in the process of preparing. Well, at the risk of giving away one of my bigger surprises of the of these 4 tributes will be to the women of the series Bleach. With so many women of the series to give individual tributes to...this one will still take me a while to prepare but here is a short set of teaser pics for you guys.

(These are a combination of webfinds and caps from the 7th Bleach ending theme. A huge thanks to the author Mr. E for finding these pictures and giving me the idea for a Bleach teaser.)

Considering how nice they look in their swimsuits...I think the Bleach girls can easily give the Pokemon girls a run for their money in the hotness department. Once again...I find myself needing an icy cold shower in the middle of winter.

Ok...hopefully that should fill everyone's Bleach craving for now. Me, Match and Mr E. are definitely working on more for them so look forward to seeing more of these women in the coming months.

Alright...that's going to be it for now...but as usual, more to come soon!!



  1. nice. But I HATE the English dub.

  2. I love the series, but it's really one of the big could have beens... woefully short on barefoot scenes... ^_^ No higher res of that swimsuit group pic? Heheh...

  3. cant wait for the bleach girls bonus and i love the last picture i cant believe you actually found Soi Fong barefoot!!! amazing find!

  4. Well...if its any consolation ... the caps are from a subtitled version of the series SFD.

    My favorite version of Bleach is the manga though...just because the anime rushed though certain segments towards the beginning of the series and they didn't really do poor Orihime's character justice. I think the anime is going at a good pace now though.

    Yeah I definitely wish a lot of these girls were barefoot more often. Sole Keeper. Sadly that's the only version of that picture I have. T_T

    Looking forward to it Mr E. Soi Fong is definitely hot. ^_^

  5. i love how many tomboys there are in this series

  6. I'm really interested in Orihime, even though I've never watched or read Bleach :P

    She's very pretty and I've already seen some short scenes or her barefoot, but I wouldn't know if there are many more.

  7. she might be pretty and have nice feet, but that is probably the only good points with Orihime. She is a complete airhead and idiot in every sense of the word

  8. I feel that the anime dumbed down Orihime's character significantly.

    In the manga, eventhough shes Spacey (kind of like Osaka from Azumanga Daioh where she's always thinking to herself and coming up with insane ideas), she's not really stupid. For example she's able to figure out right away that Kon wasn't Ichigo). I actually liked her quite a bit. In fact before the anime I was rooting for her and Ichigo to hook up.

    Anyway, I'll definitely try to tribute her along with the rest of the Bleach girls soon guys.

  9. im for Nel and Ichigo. come on wouldnt it be funny to see a Hollow and a Shinigami together?

  10. Nel and Ichigo? That's an interesting choice...I guess opposites do attract. ^_^
