Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chobits Bonus 2

Ok...here's the second set of Chobits Wallpapers that Mr E collected. Enjoy guys!!

(Thanks again Mr. E)

Sorry if I'm making you guys feel like a Ping Pong ball bouncing back and forth between bonus sets like that. ^_^; I didn't intentionally plan it that way. Then again I guess getting sandwiched between Kagome and Chii's feet could be sort of hot. Picture them rubbing their bare feet against your face at the same time. You turn your head too far to the left you find yourself nuzzling against Kagome's smooth schoolgirl soles while if you turn too far to the right...you wind pressed up against Chii's cute pillow soft soles. *Rubs forehead* I really need a cold shower again.

Ok everyone...a couple of things. As you guys probably noticed, the end of the month is fast approaching so its the last chance to vote in the championship poll. Please note that I'm ending the poll a little earlier than I usually do (Exactly Midnight tonight eastern standard time). The reason that I'm doing that is I have a very important announcement that I will be making concerning this blog. What is it? Well...all I can say right now is it involves taking this blog into the future.

Until Next Time


  1. Though my opinion on the show stays the same, I still find Chii and her heels and toes very cute. :)

  2. I wonder if she's ticklish Kyle. My favorite picture is the 11th one down.

  3. I'm not sure if she is, Triton. I mean, she's a robot and all, so your guess is as good as mine.

  4. 1st 2 pics are my favorite...and maybe you could program her to be ticklish

  5. That's something I've never heard of before. How do you do that, Mr. E?

    No, go ahead. Tell me.

  6. key word there is "maybe" i have no idea how to actualy program her it was just a thought

    how were you thinking about it?

  7. I don't know. That's why I asked.

  8. curse those socks, how much i wish i had a persacom

  9. You wish for a lot of things, Match. XD

  10. wishing, the only thing that is still free in this day in age

  11. Well...If engineers can program Elmo to be ticklish, I can picture them making Chii ticklish too.

    Now that I think about it, I'm surprised nobody jumped on a Tickle me Barbie yet. We really should take out a patent on that.

    I wish I had a persacom too Match.

  12. love the artwork for the show & Manga. I think CLAMP does some interesting series.

  13. :-D This is one of those mangas/animes that I really been meaning to read and watch for awhile now. The characters look very cute. ^_^

  14. Not too personal, but what's a persacom?

  15. It's an artificial life form (robot) that looks like a human that are present in the Chobits series. ^_^
