Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lucky Star: Nanako (Bonus)

Ok...time for the next Lucky Star girl...this one's the hot blonde teacher Nanako.

(A huge thanks to Lucky Star Fan Spoonorca for finding and capping all these Lucky Star pictures)

Yet another cute anime teacher that I would love to give a foot massage to. It turns out she like videogames too. Mmmm...She's really too good to be true. up is one of characters I've been really looking forward to posting since this set of Lucky Star bonuses began. The climax is next guys!!!


  1. So you know that Nanako's a gamer too, huh? I should know, seeing as how I play video games with her and rub her feet while she plays the really bad games. She says that's what makes the games more enjoyable.

  2. Hey Kyle the 4th episode of Quintet of Darkness is up. check it out.

  3. Oh,and nice set of pice,KSC. Always nice to see a teachers feet.

  4. a good post, as always :). Will you post some kida (from atlantis) or nani (from lilo & stitch) soleshots? :)

  5. a good post, as always :). Will you post some kida (from atlantis) or nani (from lilo & stitch) soleshots? :)

  6. another reason i would love to get tutoring would be to massage those soft soles

  7. dont worry Samspider3, i capped Kida's feet (and Andrey too), that capping was such a downer though, she was barefoot the whole time and they hardly ever focused on her feet

  8. That's definitely one way to make bad videogames more enjoyable Kyle. ^_^

  9. That's the reason I would be in tutoring too Match.

  10. O_O awesome Match. I guess one good turn deserves another. I'll see what I can do about Nani Samspider.

  11. Ya, she is a funny teacher. I did like that cameo part of her pointing her Foot out, that was nice
