Monday, June 8, 2009

Batman: Veronica Vreeland (Bonus)

When you think of hot Batman redheads...probably the first two to pop into your head are Poison Ivy or Batgirl. While the rich socialite Veronica Vreeland might be more of a side character compared to those two...she still really hot. That and she has a couple of nice foot moments in one of the episodes...Enjoy guys!!!

(These are from the Batman: TAS Episode "Harley's Holiday"... A special thanks to Breakthewalls for finding and tipping me off to this cool scene.)

Being the rich spoiled type, Veronica probably takes really good care of her feet. I bet they must be creamily soft. One thing I really have to admire about this girl is that she's able to keep her cool eventhough she's being kidnapped. She's clearly got a little bit of the Gotham girl spunk. Coincidentally, yesterday when I was out on the freeway I noticed a car where the passenger had her bare feet up on the dashboard (kind of like Veronica does in this episode). I couldn't help thinking it was kind of hot. ^_^

All right I'm kind of running on fumes here so that's all for now but as usual...more to come soon!!


  1. Any episode with Harley Quinn is a good one. She's funny and cute,who could Not love her.

  2. Exactly, Stefan. :)

    Hey Triton, since you've already posted a gorgeous woman with bare feet from Batman: TAS, you might as well do another one. You remember Talia, the daughter of Ra's al Ghul? Well, in The Demon's Quest (parts 1 and 2), Talia went barefoot whenever we saw her. Oh yeah, her feet were detailed. :p

    Good idea posting Ronnie up here. :)

  3. Heh, thanks KSC, glad you like the findings. To be honest, this is one of my personal favorite episodes of Batman:TAS, partly because of the dashboard scene ^_^ but even if it didn't those shots, the episode would still be great.

  4. I believe Harley herself and Poison Ivy appear barefoot the first time they team up in "Harley and Ivy" :)

    Other barefoot scenes I remember are those of Candice (in "Bane") and the girl from the episode "Heart of Steel".

    The art style in The New Batman Adventures and later shows is cool, but it doesn't favor female feet much, unfortunately.

    As for Veronica Vreeland... I'm glad you're even posting minor characters ^_^

  5. heu dude u could add a chat bar to yer blog usin'

  6. Thank guys. Harley Quinn's definitely pretty cool SFD

    O_O I love Talia Kyle. Thanks for the tip.

    Yeah feet on the dashboard can definitely be really hot BreaktheWalls. Thanks again for the tip.

    You said it Match. ^_^

  7. O.O Both Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn...I'll try and find that episode Juancho. You must have read my mind...I was planning to post the Candice scene next. I actually just saw the "Heart of Steel" Android scene yesterday while tracking down the Batgirl scene you told me about. Talk about a hot episode.

    Speaking of two birds with one stone. I noticed that "Girls Night out" had a great shot of Supergirl's bare feet as well. Just to you know any other scenes involving her. The ones I have for her so far are the Superman:TAS episodes "Little Girl Lost" and "Unity". Anyway, thanks very much for all your help man.

  8. O.0 That type of chat feature sounds pretty cool MHAR...maybe I'll give it a try.

  9. What am we, chopped liver?

  10. Glad you like her KSC ^_^ for some reason I remember her having black hair which, obviously is not the case.

    Looking forward to the Harley Quinn post, assuming that's next.

  11. I mentioned you Kyle...scroll up a little bit. ^_^

    Well...I still need to find the Harley Quinn and Ivy episode BreaktheWalls but I'll try to post her soon.

  12. Hmm... There's a scene with Supergirl barefoot (actually naked) in the final episode of Superman, "Legacy: Part II" when she's injured and is being scanned by physicians.

    Volcana wears a bikini at the end of "Where There's Smoke", barefoot of course.

    And you wouldn't forget about Lois, would you? We can see her precious feet in detail in "Target". And, there's this one episode that I've not seen for years and I can't seem to identify, where Lois appears in a spa for a few seconds (attending a phone call), and I think you see her feet as well! Too bad I can't remember which was it :(

  13. I was only joking, Triton.

  14. One of my favorite episodes. Thanks for posting these pics.

    Does anyone know how Veronica lost her shoes?

  15. O_O Those scenes are really great Juancho. Thanks very much for them. DC comic girls are awesome.

    The episode doesn't show DDE2. All I know is that she enters the car with them on. She either lost them while the car was bouncing around in all that action (a possibility since that car chase was pretty hectic) or she intentionally took them off to cool off her feet while resting them on the dashboard. (I think the latter scenario sounds hotter)

  16. I don't mean to be Mr. Nay Say, but chances are it wasn't the latter. Still, that's an interesting notion.

  17. In hindsight, that scene reminds me of a similar experience I had last August. It even looked almost like a reenactment of this scene. ;)

  18. There was this one time where I was driving Sharline back from a job interview where she was dressed in a women's business suit, much like Veronica's, but with open-toed heels. As I stopped at this one red light, I glanced at Sharline and noticed that she slipped out of her heel and propped her feet up on the dashboard while I was driving. And seeing as how she has red hair and green eyes, I immediately remembered seeing something incredibly familiar from my childhood. I swore that she looked a lot like Ron in pretty much every way, not counting the shoe size. Yeah, that's what happened last year.

    Funny, no? *giggles*

  19. I also like that second scenario! How she lost her shoes is a question ive thought of since I saw that episode. But hey we got to see a nice pair of feet!

    Speaking of Batman girls, theres an episode of Batman Beyond where Terry's girlfriend Dana is barefoot for a while. Its called Rats.

  20. ah yes a good episode, too bad there were no close ups on those lovely soles

  21. Whoa, that was one great episode, dde2 :)

  22. Cuteness! i wish there was a close up her toes, but damn she has some cute legs

  23. That's awesome Kyle. Considering you were driving, I'm really impressed you were able to make it home without getting into an accident with such a nice show going on in the front of your car.

    O_O I saw that episode a long time ago but completely forgot about the scenes in it Dde2...thank you for reminding me about it.

    It's true, she does have nice legs GoodForTheSole.

  24. Well, I immediately went back to driving when the light turned green and the driver behind me honked the horn, so you have no need to worry about that. And sometimes, I wonder if she really dressed so formally for an interview because she remembered that episode and wanted to try to reenact that part. And if that weren't enough brain usage, I was even trying not to say, "Veronica?" XD

  25. It's funny how Veronica Vreeland is always getting involved with criminals that are just trying to stop being criminals.

  26. O_O I didn't think of that. It's really true. ^_^
