Thursday, September 24, 2009

Poison Ivy Ultimate Bonus Part 5

Ok...after being forced to spend the last couple of days massaging Ivy's feet. She finally let me
take a break long enough to post the next part of her bonus. The segment is dedicated to her most recent videogame incarnation.

(You're gonna want to click on this first me. :-D)

(These are capped from the clips of the Videogame Batman: Arkham Asylum of which I heard some really good thing about. Huge thank yous to both the Legendary Master of Sole Shot Match25 and the Sole Keeper for providing me with material for this segment.)

The great thing about this version of Poison Ivy is that she's always barefoot and she even has red painted toenails drawing attention to her feet. Like in "the Batman" this version Poison Ivy has some really formidable plant control powers. While she starts off the game sunlight deprived and weakened, she seriously powers up to cause Batman quite a bit of hardship in the game...Kneel before the Plant Queen!!!

Ok I'll preparing a lot of things at once...if you guys have been keeping track, you know there's one more tribute to the plant queen left to go. I've also tallied up the remaining villainess including some really recent tips I received and have 20 girls left to tribute. (^_^; Whew I'm being overwhelmed by evil feet). I'm also working on a new set of spotlights to post over the weekend.

As the 1960's Batman narrator would say before a commercial break, Stick around...the best is yet to come.


  1. i swear this version of Poison Ivy was designed for barefoot beauty lovers, look how many times they focus on her feet for no reason at all. We have friends in high places indeed LOL

  2. I agree with you Match25! She is very much the girl many foot lovers would like to see, minus the ability to kill you if you touch or kiss those luscious toes. lol

    My only major beef with the character, as it stands, is that the 3d model of her seems to have some really flat soles. Granted, many modelers don't take the time to do much of anything unless it's going to be looked at quite a bit; yet, with Ivy they could have at least made the soles of her feet more natural looking. Meh...

  3. actually she can only kill you if you kiss her lips not her feet, so they are free to worship to one's hearts content.

    Also i am currently capping the series The Life and Times of Juniper Lee, however i am having a hard time finding season 1, does anyone know where i can watch, download, torrent or any other forms?

  4. I think this is one of my favorite version of Ivy to be honest. Must be the fact that she's barefoot 24/7 and you get quite a lot of sole shots. That and the game she's in is absolutely great :D

    Sorry Match, can't help ya there :(

  5. too true BTW, the detail on her made her very lovely, there is just something about green skin women that attract men lol. The sole shots and being barefoot all the time was a great bonus

  6. Indeed Match, also add in the seductive personality and we got ourselves a plant queen whose's feet are more then fit for worshiping :D

    I also believe Harley should get a round of applause for freeing this barefoot beauty, even though she wasn't suppose to :)

  7. now if only Harley took off those boots at some point

  8. Yeah, shame she never does though, in this game at least, hopefully, we can finally see some great Harley foot shots in the next bonus :D

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. yummy, green viggie feet, hope they taste good

  11. one can worship her feet and get the necessary amount of vegetables in a diet at the same time LOL

  12. That's probably the best way to eat your vegetables, worshiping Ivy's feet :D

  13. i bet everyone on this site will agree to that BtW

  14. Not to get overly intellectual about it, but it makes sense that a woman so closely connected with plants and soil would be barefoot: that way she's always in contact with the Earth.

  15. its the same reason we love the earthbender Toph

  16. They should definitely make more characters in touch with nature like that. ^_^
