Saturday, October 31, 2009

Villainess Takeover Halloween Finale: Medusa

Update: 10/19/16 Added an animation done by Mirakor that Match sent in.

Ok...a lot of stuff to cover this entry. First off Happy Halloween Everyone!! To mark the occasion I have a special treat for you guys...The sexy barefoot witch Medusa. This hot bad girl also marks the final bonus of the villainess takeover so I tried to make it something to remember. Enjoy guys!!

Bonus Animation

(These are a combination of webfinds and caps from the Soul Eater anime...most notable episodes 7, 12 and 19. I had a massive amount of help with material for this one, special thank yous to


  1. By far one of the greatest Villainesses ever and my personal favorite character on that show. I would love to be kicked around and then scissored into worshiping her feet. (Not that she needs me to do that mind you ;) )

    Also, I can really see you like the frog stomping scene a lot XD

  2. mmm this is countless times more sweeter than all the candy i collected this Halloween. Seriously if we didnt build up some kind of resistances from all the villainesses feet previous this addition would have sent us all into some short of barefoot shock coma, Medusa practically designed for the foot fetishes of the world

  3. now everyone that goes to this site, is this the only reason one would watch Soul Eater? Personally it was the main reason i started to watch it.

  4. dont we all Iceninja, dont we all

  5. Heh, yeah that frog must be the luckiest animal of all anime.

  6. Awesome post for Medusa, KSC! She remains one of my absolute favorites since the manga and the anime series first started. She's the type of Villainess that if she'd let me live, I'd do everything in my power to get close to her feet. :D
    I also agree with Match on her being created for that very reason.

    And thanks for posting the link to my favorites on DA. A lot of work went into finding some of those, and some others I tripped over. XD

    Sadly, one of my favorite cosplayers removed many of her pictures for some reason, but I managed to keep some of them after the hard drive crashed, though a bit edited.

    Anyway, awesome set and I hope that we get to see the rest of the villainess' sometime in the future. And happy halloween, even if it's several hours late. ;)

  7. Yeah Breakthewalls I'd love for her to do that to me too. ^_^

    It's true Match. Even with all the villainess tributes to build up resistance, I'm suprised I'm not in a barefoot shock coma. Yeah Medusa is definitely what drew me to the Soul Eater anime. ^_^

    Yeah I'm really jealous of that frog too guys. ^_^

    Thanks Ayane Matrix. Being at Medusa's feet is definitely the perfect place to be. :-D

  8. Yeah :-D This hot witch was the perfect closer. ^_^

  9. They actually mention her being targeted towards foot fetish fans in the trivia section of her Wiki article guys

    Bear in mind that anyone can edit this type of thing but you have to wonder who put that in? :-D

  10. I'm going to guess and say that your the one who added that piece of trivia in.

  11. *laughs* nope...thought it was one of you guys. ;-)

  12. LOL in the history i see that was actually done by one of my friends. He does not have a foot fetish but a while back was researching fetishes for his own amusement

  13. So I take it that your friend was the one who added that nice bit of trivia Match?

  14. yeah he studied foot fetishism for a while, even asking questions from me from time to time, i told him about this anime and he seemed to conclude to Medusa's lovely quirk

  15. Wow she is dangerously beautiful! Btw i added something to the smell of her feet for orihime because i finally got around to making an account and no one would add to hers. I would really like so comments on how i did since i have read some of the people in here's work and am impressed.

  16. so much epic win.... gotta say thats one hell of a thing to see the day after my birthday (bday oct 31, today is nov1st ) i woulda seen it last night but i was at an anime con, actually saw a bunch of girls cosplaying as her, gotta say i know exactly how many of them had their toenails painted right lol
    very nice work KSC you made my day

  17. Definitely one of the best collections so far, awesome work!

    FYI, the frog is Eruka (the girl with the orange hat) and Medusa steps on her again in the manga (ch.30 pg.11) for those interested.

  18. Saved the best for last, I see! Medusa truly is awesome and made for foot fans. She's gorgeous, smart, dangerous and barefoot... perfection! It's just too bad after her big battle with Stein, they never really gave her the spotlight again. It's great that they gave her feet so many unforgettable closeups, and such pretty and strong-looking feet they are!

    I note with amusement that the anime version of the Frog Stomping scene is soooo much better than the original manga pages, so we all should love that squishing sequence. Man, to be massaged with those beautiful soles... heaven. Heheh...

    GREAT job, KSC!!!

  19. Yup, she's definitely the anime foot villainess we've all been waiting for

  20. Should have known you were connected to that bit of Trivia Match. ;-)

    Ok...I'll check out your chapter For You. ^_^

    Thanks Lawliet and Happy Birthday. ^_^ Wow getting to see Medusa cosplayers who had her costume down to her pedicure is really awesome.

    Thanks Adam. O_O that frog/Eruka just seems luckier and luckier getting Medusa's feet in her face twice. Also thanks for the tip off of a second similar scene in the Manga.

    Thanks Sole Keeper. Yeah I love all the details of Medusa's feet. That Vector pedicure is really hot. I also love the way the scene was adapted into anime too. My favorite moment is when the frog changes back into the girl and Medusa complains that her face doesn't feel as good on her feet and requests she changes back into a frog. :-)

    It's true Iceninja. ^_^

  21. Lets hope medusa does make a habit of stepping on people. ^_^

  22. Oh and thanks for checking my chapter out. Please note that I haven't done any real literature in a good year or two.

  23. Whoa! How did I not know about Soul Eater before?!

    I am looking for more goodness as we speak, great update KingSideCastle. :)

  24. I thought your chapter was very good For you. I liked the scenario a lot and thought that you depicted Orihime very well.

    Thanks Torborg. ^_^ I remember the first time I saw the Medusa scene I had the same reaction. :-D

  25. TorBorg: If you're still looking for the episodes, the best place to get them at the moment is at

    The manga can be downloaded from or viewed from just about anywhere. Hope it helps in your search!

    Lawliet: Dude! It was your birthday AND you got to see a bunch of Medusa cosplayers?! That must have been some awesome gift. :D

  26. Thanks king. And yeah it wasn't to easy trying to get a non-foot fetishist in a story to suck Orihime's toes when she doesn't have a dominating, or mean, personality.

  27. wow ive seen this before but i forgot the name of it. good find, one of your best yet

  28. Oh God.....To me,she and Toph are in the same level in my heart ^~^

    And as I could see,one of the pictures had a portuguese legend (I think).....And I must say,I want to be that frog,being under her feet,and making her happy.....
    I think I overreact when I talk about feet,but they are so cute .-.

  29. ^_^ She is really a great character Kyore. :-D Hee hee...A lot of us would love to be that frog. ^_^
