Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Poll of the Month 19 Results/Poll of the Month 20

Ok...the 19th poll of the month has come to an end. After a whopping 1691 votes, here are the results...

Well it looks like Flannery won this battle capturing the heart of foot fans and proving that her feet were the ones that most voters would be happy to warm up against (mmm nice). In second place (and fuming mad about it) was the fire princess Azula and hot senshi of flame Sailor Mars took 3rd place. I wouldn't feel too bad for the rest of these girl, they all proved to have foot fans of their own and even the trailing candidate Volcana had a decent amount of votes. Just want to give a huge thank you to everyone for voting in this and I'll try to keep your opinions in mind for future updates and bonuses. Flannery's tribute will be posted later this week. ;-)

Ok...following up the Fire Girl poll, I added a new poll to help balance things out. This one lets you pick your favorite Water Girl's feet. (Special thanks to Breakthewalls for helping me pick out the candidates for this one ^_^). I imagine that Water girls probably have some really nice feet underneath their footwear. Getting the opportunity to soak their feet in water so often would probably make their feet incredibly soft and smooth. Keeping that in mind...this month's poll asks the question if you had the chance to get up close and personal with a water girl's feet by giving her a "foot bath", which girl would you want to choose? For this one...I'll let you guys decide how you would help a girl clean her feet whether its using plain old soap and water or some more "creative approaches". ;-) As always voting is completely anonymous and you don't need a blogger account to vote so anybody that wants to can participate. I'd love to see what your opinions are.

Have fun everyone!!


  1. So which Fire girl is my favorite? Well...this category is a very tough choice for me because they are all really hot. I'd guess that I would have to go with Sailor Mars.:-D I still really like all these fire girls though and can't say that I mind another hottie beating her out.

    Great voting everyone!! ^_^

  2. Will their be any more spotlights? Their haven't been too many. Sorry if you have heard this question before.

  3. Vote Ranamon!

    KSC, i am a bit surprised you put Misty and Katara on this poll, havent you already posted all of them?

  4. I personally want Katara to win, I like her exotic look and her kind but strict personality.

    I don't think she has been posted yet Match.

  5. Argh, too many non-anime choices so I picked Neptune.

  6. Why not Ranamon, she is a humanoid mermaid who is always barefoot. If digimon existed she would be the only one i would want, especially since i cant stand the show

  7. you also left out Ruto from The Legend of Zelda 64, she is practically Ranamon's sister

  8. Here's a pic of a Marvel girl name Meggan, a empathic metamorph, that's means she shape-shifts into creatures depending what she feels, but when she isn't she is one of the finest barefoot babes around.

  9. 0_0

    Excellent find P, she is very cute :D

  10. a guy cant resist a barefoot beauty

  11. Yeah Epsilon, the spotlights take me a little while to do but I have two more sets coming up over the next couple of weeks highlighting the chapters that caught my attention over the past month. :-)

    Ranamon is a cool choice Match.^_^ With Misty and Katara...bear in mind that there is a new remake of Gold and Silver coming out and I still have to post the painted lady caps. ;-)

    O_O Completely forgot about Ruto. ^_^;

    Yeah Katara is a good choice as well Breakthewalls. I'd love to have her tan feet in my face. *blushes*

    Nice!!! Feetintheclouds...I like Neptune a lot.

    O_O She's looks really hot P. Thanks very much for her.

  12. I hope a certain Kingdom Hearts chapter with Kairi has got your eye KSC *wink wink*

  13. I voted for Sailor Mars also.

    And as for this Water Girl poll, my only hope is that BreaktheWalls chose some good options, know what I mean? ;)

  14. And by the way, "Bridget" should've been called Lettuce. I refuse to acknowledge any of the Tokyo Mew Mew girls by their 4Kids names.

  15. my mind isnt changing for Ranamon, how anyone can resist a barefoot girl here is still surprising me

  16. Yeah Breakthewalls that's definitely one of the spotlights in the next two sets. :-)

    Awesome DW. Sailor Mars rocks!!! As for the Mew Mew girl, I like her American name a lot more. Her Japanese name sounds like a vegetable and not a very tasty one.

    Do you know that if you type Ranamon into google the term "Ranamon feet" pops up as one of the search suggestions Match? I wonder how many have typed those two terms together in the past. :-D

  17. half of those are probably mine LOL

  18. i am surprise that Irma made it onto the voting list.

  19. Don't joke about such things, KSC.

  20. yeah, personally for me i only prefer a bust of an A or an B cup, but feet are just so much more fun to play with

  21. I hope Katara wins for sure, I know it's may the best Water girl win, but I think Misty had already been put on the spotlight back then, I think it's Katara's turn to be on the spotlight (since she is the last Avatar babe that hasn't been exposed to barefoot loving fans)
