Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monster vs Aliens: Susan

Hey guys. Sorry for the lack of updates...been a little busy recently. I'm still organizing material for a mega-bonus so its not quite ready yet. Since it's taking me a while to organize it and because GTS feet totally rock, here is a quick tribute to the huge feet of the Earth saving hottie Ginormica.

(An appropriately giant-sized thank you to the Master of Sole Shots Match25 for tracking down the DVD and some really quick capping on his part. Thanks to Marek as well for reminding us about the movie. ^_^)

An earlier bonus devoted to Monsters vs Aliens. :-D

Don't you just love giant barefoot girls? :-) I think we all wish that Ginormica had some more barefoot scenes in the movie. I think that Match said it best when he asked how they managed to find shoes her size so fast? Still, it's really great to see her giant feet for a few glorious seconds. Hopefully, she'll show more of her bare soles in the sequel.

Fun fact: Ginormica/Susan is a homage to the sci-fi cult classic film Attack of 50 foot woman involving a scorned woman growing to enormous proportions and using her new found size to get revenge on her cheating boyfriend and crushing anything in her path. Our type of villainess no doubt. ;-) The interesting thing is that Ginormica's inspiration was barefoot throughout her movie. That's something I wished the animators in Monsters vs Aliens kept true to form.

Ok...the end of the month fast approaching, which means its everyone's last chance to vote in the current poll guys. (T minus 6 hours at the time I posted this) I'll try and post the results for this month's poll tomorrow night as well as a brand new Poll of the Month as well. Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone and as usual...more to come soon!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

School Rumble: Eri

Ok...before I dive back into a major bonus series, I'm going to do a few one shots featuring some hot women that I've been meaning to post for awhile but haven't gotten the chance. This one is a tribute to School Rumble's rich blonde hottie Eri Sawachika. Enjoy guys!!

(These are School House Rumble Anime Season 2 episode 16 and 17. A Huge thanks to Jajc05 for finding and capping this scenes.)

Wow a martial arts scene, sandals scene, kimono scene and bath scene within two episodes...I think this anime just made my must see list. ^_^ Eri is incredibly hot, she seems like the type of confident girl that could walk up to a total stranger demanding a foot massage and easily score one. :-)

As an added extra, here's a little more of her and her friends from an earlier bonus.

Ok I updated the sidebar with some new blogs and interactives stories. I'll try and add some more later in the week. ^_^

I'm working on a couple of new chapters to finish up before my break ends later this week. Hopefully I'll be able to post them soon. If all goes as planned (I'm still gathering material for it ^_^;), my next bonus will be another mega-post. I'll try and have it up by this Friday. *Crosses fingers*.

Alright, have a really great day everyone and more to come soon!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Great DA Bonus Part 7: Conclusion

Hi Everyone, sorry for the slow amount of updates this week. I needed a little bit of time to recover after the last post. * Goes off into a daydream thinking about Cammy, Chun Li and Elena's feet* Anyway, one last DA bonus set to post. It's probably a good thing too because I don't think I could take anymore waves of barefoot awesomeness. Fortunately, with only a few artists left...I think I can avoid going into shock. So lets check the roster to see who the remaining artists are?...*Sees the names Richy17, CartoonGirls, Mojo321, Imcooltight, Onyxswami and DazandAnime and gulps* I'm probably going to need an ambulance before this is over. For this final segment...we're back to good old fashioned tried and true fanart. Enjoy guys. ^_^







Alright...Massive Thank Yous to the Deviant Artists Richy17, CartoonGirls, ImCoolTight, Mojoman321, Onyxswami and DazandAnime for contributing and allowing me to post their artwork here as well as Match25 the Legendary Master of Sole Shots himself for organizing this awesome series. These pictures were really awesome. ^_^

Well...after seven spectacular segments, 32 different artists and over 150 pictures...this DA bonus series has come to a close.* O_O Once again I would to give a big thank you to all the artists that contributed artwork to this. It was a lot of fun for both me and Match to work on this with all the beautiful soles to stare at. ^_^ Best of luck with your artwork in the future everyone!!

Ok...having completed one of bigger projects, you probably are wondering what the next sets are going to involve? Well...I have a lot of material to catch up on. :-) There are a couple of mega-sets, that I promised to post before the end of January as well as one major series that I still need to go back and continue. (You guys remember which one it was? ;-D). In addition to that there are a couple of storylines and spotlight segments that I might have been preparing during the week. :-)

On that note...more to come soon!

*Give or take a few captions that I still need to complete.