Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tiebreaker Results

Ok here are the Sudden Death round results guys. ^_^

Wow...overwhelmingly playful feet. I'll have to keep that in mind. ^_^ Thanks very much for voting everyone. ^_^

Heh heh...still a lot of catching up to do. ^_^ Ok...let's take a little bit of a break for now. I'll try to post the March poll tomorrow evening if I can think of an interesting topic.

Have a good night guys!!


  1. ^_^ Of the two choices that tied. Playful feet were my favorite as well. :-)

  2. I love playful feet, when a girl just puts them on your leg and wiggles/spreads them in a teasing manner... :)

  3. That does sound really hot Feetintheclouds. ^_^

  4. Hey KSC,I know this is off topic,but can you offer any suggestions on what I should/could do with the blog formerly known as The 'Ultima Network'?


  5. Wow, that tie was pretty unexpected. I'm glad tickling did so well!

    Playful feet are pretty awesome, but I feel like I'd want a combo of playful, soft, big and ticklish.

    And I'm in the process of making a new post for tickling fans, so the runner-up still gets a prize. haha

  6. Here's a small clip from the classic 80s series the Gummi Bears, of Princess Calla's barefeet, they nice, but keep in mind that this clip is in a languaga, french, german, I don't know.

  7. I was trying to think of some suggestions but no ideas at the moment Stefan. Maybe just leave it as an archive until you can think of something good. ^_^ It would be cool to see a return of Stefan's world but I don't know if you are up for that. ^_^;

    That combination of feet definitely sounds really hot Chilled Bones. ^_^ O_O Looking forward to tickling post. :-)

    :-D Blonde princesses are so awesome P. Thanks very much for the clip. ^_^

  8. Missed the tiebreak, not that it would have mattered.

    Good idea for a new poll. Clearly this one is going to be hugely one-sided, but maybe anklets will put in a decent showing.

  9. Thanks Veroom. ^_^ Yeah it definitely looks like one choice is dominating this one. :-) I wonder how the rest will play out. ^_^

  10. A tough decision,but I voted for Toe Ring.

  11. Toe rings are definitely really hot. ^_^

  12. I voted for Playful feet...nothing like a teasing pair of feet :3

  13. :-D Yeah teasing feet are great Breakthewalls.
