Thursday, September 1, 2011

Poll 37 Results

Well the 37th poll of the month has come to a close. After an intense 1575 are the results...

O_O It looks like Juri assassinated her competition making most voters an offer they couldn't refuse and proving that her beautiful feet are the ones that alot of use would worship to save their life with a Decisive 602 votes. In second place was the hot blonde assassin Nina William and Assassin's Creed's Lucy took 3rd. I'd say not to worry the rest of these women because they all proved to have foot fans of their own and even the ultra rare Hana got 13 votes but let face it assassins have been known to hold grudges. I wouldn't be surprised if the girls you didn't vote for added all of us to their list and plan to punish us via foot domination. ^_^;

Anyway, I just want to give everyone a tremendous thank you for voting and sharing your opinions. I'll definitely keep your them in mind for future bonuses and writing. Also a big thank you to Breakthewalls for helping me come up with this poll and assassin's for it.

Juri huh? O_O There's a lot of material for her out there...this bonus might take me awhile to get together but I'll definitely try to give her a tribute that is worthy of her. (Don't want to make an assassin angry at me. ^_^;) I'll also try to add a new poll of the month later tonight. I already have an idea for what I want it to be. :-)

On a sidenote...for the writers out there....this week is Writing.Com's 11th birthday and once again the GP rewards are through the roof. You get 1100 points per day just for logging in your account between the 1st and the 7th. GP for reviewing new authors are 5 times normal and at the end of day they will give 11 times the reward per review. I really recommend you guys take advantage of this and review as many stories as you can this week. I'm going to be reviewing like crazy too.

Ok guys...that's basically it for usual...more to come soon. ^_^


  1. So which of these assassins was my own personal favorite. That would have to be Nina Williams. I've always had a soft spot for the blond assassin ever since I've laid eyes on her when Tekken 3 first came out. She can dominate me with her feet anytime she wants. :-)

    Anyway, great voting guys. ^_^

  2. I might of taken Nina or maybe Lucy if Juri hadn't been on it but it just hard to not vote for Juri

    But if you were to exchanged Nina for Asuka Kazama it would off been harder to vote

    KSC just remember next time that a Poll with Juri isnt a poll at all :P

    Makes me wonder if 600+ votes isnt some type of record

  3. :-D It's true Jinto. Juri's painted nails and sexy and powerful feet really give her a huge against any opponent. ^_^

    Yeah I think its definitely one of the bigger landslide victories in a poll too. ^_^

  4. Didn't vot in this one. I'm not much of a fan of The girls on the list. I'm shocked you didn't add Twilight Suzuka from Outlaw Star. An oldie,but a goodie!

  5. I was way off I pegged you as another one of the Juri voters. I googled Twilight Suzuka...she does look pretty hot. ^_^

  6. Truth be told, I actually vote for Kasuga, a hot looking blonde ninja girl that is greatly unappreciated. Sure we only see her toes, but that comes pretty close.

  7. O_O That's really a nice choice Shadowmandude. ^_^ She was one of the last minute additions that I added in order to have ten choices in this poll. I wasn't sure how well she would do because she is pretty rare. I'm really glad that she has a lot of fans because she is a very sexy assassin.

  8. I eventually ended up voting for Juri though I was torn to vote between her and Nina. I guess it was Juri sexy painted toenails that did me in.

  9. Just voted in your new poll. I don't like Any of these girls except for Sailor Mars. I voted for her. I'm Cheering You On,Raye! Win It!!

  10. I was going to vote for Mars intill i seen Talim which is my favorite character from the SC series so i had to vote for her over Rei

  11. Sailor Mars is definitely really hot guys. ^_^

    O_O You're a Talim fan Jinto. She is really cute. I like her too.

  12. @Stephan...yeah Juri's painted nails are a huge draw for me too. :-D

  13. I personally voted for the sexy and scary assassin, Mileena :D

    For the new poll, I voted for Talim :)

  14. Great picks Breakthewalls. :-) I like Mileena a lot too. She was my best character in Mortal Kombat. I suspected that probably would have been a long shot for her to win but I did have a really special tribute planned for her if she beat the odds.

    O_O As a Warcraft fan I would've guessed you would go for Tyrande. Talim is really cute and sweet though so it does make sense...great choice. ^_^

  15. Hey guys, I found a video for all you POV step fans:

  16. its great to know im not the only Talim out there :P

  17. O_O Hot POV video. Perfect view of those women. Thank you for it Stephan. ^_^

    :-D She definitely seems to have a good fanbase Jinto. ^_^

  18. I just remember the Wanderer from Red Robin would've been a nice mention, sure her touch kills people with one touch, but you got to admit she is hot especially when you can see her toes.

    Like these for example:

  19. Wow! I'm kinda surprised at the results. I voted for Nina, and as assassins go, she's the top in my book for hot blondes and hot feet- but I guess Juri's painted toenails just won over mobs. ^___^

  20. O_O Definitely need to do a tribute for her Shadowmandude. :-)Thank you for those pictures of her.

    :-D Yes Blonde bombshell assassin all the way for me too Sole Keeper. Nina is great. :-)

  21. Juri is also arguably the only female assassin on this list eccentric enough to grin smugly and make that wicked offer to her victim... *swoons*

  22. It's true...she does have that type of sadistic playfulness to her. :-D
