Saturday, October 1, 2011

Poll 38: Results

Ok the 38th Poll of the month has come to an end...after an exciting 1316 are the results...

O_O It looks like Kagome exorcised her competition gathering the most votes and proving that her feet are the ones that most people would enjoy paying tribute to the most. In second place was the fiery senshi Sailor Mars and in third place was the fiesty Anna went on to lock herself securely in third place. As for the rest of these women...they all proved to have fans of their owns and even least voted for girl (Nagi) had 18 votes to herself. I'm actually pleasantly surprised that Mina Hakuba was able to hold her own. Castlevania rocks!! :-D

Hee hee...I always thought that Kagome and Sailor Mars looked alike so it makes sense that they would perform similarly in this poll. :-D As always, I just want to give a big thank you again to everyone for voting and I'll keep your opinions in mind in the future as well. I'll try to give Kagome a tribute soon. (Will finally give me a chance to watch Inuyasha the Final Season ^_^)

Alright everyone...that's basically it for now. I'll try to post a new poll later tonight and as usual...more to come soon. :-)


  1. :-D I think a lot of you probably can guess this but my favorite in this poll was Sailor Mars. :-D As Rei's personal foot worshipper, She'll always be the absolute hottest girl for me. :-D

    Anyway great voting guys. ^_^

  2. Like I said, I personally voted for the ever lovable Talim :D

    And now, in this new poll, it was a hard choice between Bayonetta and Morrigan, but in the end, the Witch of the Wilds got my vote. Would loved to be dominated by her sexy feet :D

  3. Great choices Breakthewalls. Talim really is cute and lovable. I was looking over some pictures of Morrigan. She's very hot. I can definitely understand why you picked her too. ^_^

  4. Yup and further research too after you introduced me to the character. You got me hooked on her. :-D

  5. Awwwww, KSC??? U left out kiki from your witch poll, now am afraid I'm out of it considering I'm not familiar with any of the characters except 4 arachne from soul eater but thats just me lol, oh and I've also made myself a new blog page :) I'll share it with u when I can get some stuff up on2 it ;)

  6. O_O That cute witch would have been perfect Martin. Will have to make it up to her. Yeah a lot of these witches are really rare.

    O_O A new blog...very cool. Looking forward to reading it. ^_^

  7. BreaktheWalls Good to know she has more fans than just me :P

    as for the current poll i voted for Haylin but i almost voted for Asuna and would have if Haylin or another W.I.T.C.H hadn't been on the poll :P

  8. O_O Nice choices Jinto. ^_^

    The WITCH girls are hot. I have a huge crush on Will but the rest of them are great as well. :-D

  9. I voted for Sailor Mars because she's a classic character, and a hot chick, no pun.

    I voted for Hay Lin because she is the cutest of the W.i.t.c.h girls which they're all cute.

  10. Irma Lair fan here. I remember when she almost won one of the polls. So I'm not alone on this one. :D

    Totally agree with BreaktheWalls, Morrigan is sexy, smart and snarky and would make a great mistress.


  11. Yea KSC while they all are i still got Will at #1 but for second i like Irma


    thats my blog KSC, hope u like it ;) I'd appreciate if u would add it 2 ur list of blog/sites but thats up 2 u and I'll new 2 add a few more pics 2 it so it will be a blog worth looking at lol

  13. for me Talim no question
    she's got such lovely Feet, she is of course beautiful as well

    she's been my favorite player since Soul Calibur 2
    and in SC4 I get to customize her with Barefeet (Which is Awesome)

  14. Nice to see the WITCH girls so popular. ^_^

    :-D Sailor Mars rocks Shadowmandude. Great choice. :-) Haylin is great too. ^_^

    Irma is a really good choice Savantome. :-D She is very cute and probably has the most barefoot moments out of all the WITCH Team members. ^_^

    Anna's a really cool character Match. I like her piercing stare. :-D

    Yay...nice to another Will fan Jinto. ^_^ Attractive redheads rock.:-D

    You got it Martin...adding it now. ^_^

  15. Wow...really a lot Talim fans. :-D She's a really sweet character and great choice Calvin. ^_^

    Hee hee that's what I do with my Soul Calibur 4 women too. :-D

  16. I gotta say, really digging this poll. There's actually competition in it :D

  17. It is extremely close. O_O I wonder who will win?

  18. I know, isn't it great.

    I gotta say, best poll so far. There's a legit battle going on...sorry if I'm making such a big deal out of this, but it's nice to see an actual competition since Katara vs. Misty XD

  19. Yeah BTW it's totally true. :-D It's a lot more exciting to watch when the results are really close and you're not sure how the poll will play out. :-D

  20. I voted for Sailor Mars..An Awesome Choice :D

  21. Boy, Haylin and Bayonette are pretty neck to neck.

  22. Sailor Mars definitely rocks Stefan. ^_^

    Yeah Shadowmandude. ^_^ Between Haylin, Bayonetta and Morrigan...this a very close race. :-D

  23. I think this might be your best poll lineup yet KSC :D or im just happy its now a run away of one character like the last few have been

  24. Its definitely fun to see a poll that isn't a runaway. ^_^ It's been awhile since two competitors have managed to stay so close inn the votes and I think this is the first one that I've seen 3 competitors maintain an equal shot of winning the poll for so long. ^_^ Intense!!
