Monday, January 16, 2012

The Princess and the Frog: Tiana

Hello everyone, BreaktheWalls here and to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day, I'm going to post a bonus about Disney's first African-American Princess, Tiana.

Tiana is a beautiful, hard working, caring and intelligent woman who's motto is that if you want to make your wishes come true, you need to work your hardest to make them come true. Her wish is to own the best restaurant in New Orleans and to make that work with her low income she works extremely hard at her two waitress jobs. I'm sure that after a long day, her feet are killing her and I doubt there's no shortage of us that would be willing to give her a foot rub she deserves, offering she use our face as a foot stool for her tired feet or even licking away the stress on her feet.

The Princess and the Frog is a good movie. Granted, it's no masterpiece and it's not as good as the classic animated movies, but it is certainly the best Disney non-Pixar animated movie that had come out in the 2000-2009 era since the Emperor's New Grove and the movie's soundtrack is superb. There are many entertaining scenes and it has awesome classical animation that is now a rarity in an industry now dominated by CGI and proves that 2D animation can look just as good, if not better than CGI.


  1. O_O Very hot Breakthewalls. Great Martin Luther King's Day Tribute. Tiana is really cute. :-D Wow her feet really do look like they are begging to be massaged in those caps. Really awesome post!! ^_^

  2. Nice. BTW,Tiana is not only the first African-American Disney Princess,but also the first one Born in the USA.

  3. It's unfortunate how rare barefoot black girls are in animation. I love black girls and get tired of seeing nothing but white feet day after day. Oh well.

  4. @ KSC

    Hehe, thanks. I bet you would be the first one in line to massage her feet :D about a tag line? Like, massaging Waitress Feet since 2007 :D

    @ Stefan

    Thanks and I didn't know that...interesting

    @ Unknown

    I agree, there has been very few beautiful black girls in animation...and even fewer that show their feet

  5. Yup. ^_^ First in line. :-D

    You got it Breakthewalls. Putting it up now. ^_^

  6. mmm so would love to massage those tired feet of hers for hours on end

  7. Totally nice post man, I love this movie because it has been so freakin' long since a 2D animation movie has grace the theaters, and I keep hoping for more since.

    Tiana has truly nice feet of a fine character

  8. Wonderful post dude. Damn, I feel bad for not thinking of posting something for today sooner. Nice work! Creative and thoughtful!

  9. Considering I was born and raised in New Orleans, this movie is indeed one of my faves because they actually managed to capture the music and culture very well! I was actually kinda proud!

    Plus, I'd nibble on those toes in a heartbeat. :p

  10. @ KSC

    Hehe, thanks for the tagline man :)

    @ Match

    You and me both man ^_^

    @ Shadowmandude

    I agree. It's been too long since I saw a 2-D animation cartoon movie...sadly, it seems that those days may be coming to an end :(

    @ heretichero666

    Hehe, glad you liked it and thanks :)

    @ actionpacked247

    Really? Well I guess Disney did their research and I agree about Tiana's sexy toes :D

  11. I noticed the SOPA support banner on here. Who else is joining in? I am gonna be pissed if the government takes down our blogs. Its not fair. We haven't done anything wrong and its not like we are making money off of this. Sorry for ranting but I want to know who else is with me on this.

  12. Totally with you Heretichero. That type of censorship is something that the internet does not need. We really need to try to nip this bill (and others like it) in the bud now.

  13. @ heretichero666

    It's bullshit but it's nice to know that others are against it as well. I hope the bastards that think this is a good idea end up in the gutter



  14. I'm already in the anti-SOPA infantry. Congress's websites have crashed already cuz of all the people sending them complains, plus President Obama might not be perfect, but it's good knowing that he's publicly come out AGAINST the bill cuz it "violates freedom of expression". Hopefully, they'll get the message before next week.

  15. that SOPA would really hurt me too. Most of the shows i watch i cant even get without finding it on the net. Especially Wakfu.

  16. The good news is that congress suspended the vote on PIPA indefinitely due to the protest. I really hope that it doesn't pass.

  17. I would start tickling and playing with Tiana's wonderful sexy feet for as long as I wanted!!
