Monday, March 12, 2012

Cheetara (Bonus)

I found out that my time might get really limited soon so I'm scrambling to get in some material and shuffling my posting order a little. Today's post is one of the classic female heroines the hot female Thundercat Cheetara. ^_^

(These caps are from various episodes of the new Thundercats cartoon including Episode 6 Journey to the Tower of Omens and a flashback in episode 12 featuring teenage Cheetara. A massive thank you to Atomic Chincilla for capping her. ^_^)

For any child growing up in the in the 1980s, Thundercats was probably one of the most recognizable cartoon series. I was a little bit too young at the time to remember it vividly or really appreciate it but I did catch it being rerun on Cartoon network and it is a really great show. I think that the producers really did an amazing job with its characters giving them unique personalities, abilities and weapons. It's one of those exciting series where the action just causes your draw to drop. I remember watching it with my brothers and finding myself doing double takes wondering if what I saw on screen really just happened. The villain in the series Mumm-ra is one of my favorite villains of all time. ^_^ The animation really rocks too. Because the series was so good, I've been wanting to post Cheetara for a long time but in the original series she was always wearing boots. (As far as I know she didn't have any barefoot scenes).

Luckily the series has been given a recent remake with the characters receiving anime style redesigns. The best part is that Cheetara is no longer wearing boots in this incarnation and we get some great peeks at her feet. I still haven't gotten the chance to watch the remake yet but from what I have heard, the series is excellent with some great writing voice acting and animation. ^_^ Cheetara is an awesome character. Not only is she a powerful warrior and one of the classic female animation characters, she really smart, kind, caring and a determined woman as well. She also has some really cool abilities like super speed (being able to run at 120 mph) and precognition which gives her the ability to detect danger. Because of her speed, she winds up using her feet a lot running around and attacking. It makes them really worthy of a lot of respect and a powerful part of her body. ^_^ I'm sure that she is probably pretty proud of them. She might even expect them to be worthy of being worshiped. I can only imagine how many steps her feet have to take when she's running at her top speed. I think that she probably would smile if someone offered to rub them for her. I'm sure that a lot of us would love to volunteer for that. ^_^

Ok everyone that's basically it for now, have a great day and more to come s- What's that? Cheetara is on the Hit List? Well that is an amazing coincidence. ^_^; Ok check another girl off the list and more to come soon. ^_^


  1. I just love young Cheetara in this collection, she was amazing cute.

    1. :-D Yeah. ^_^ Her younger version seems to show off the most of her feet too. ^_^

  2. Excellent! I'm not one for furries, but damn, Cheetara is too damn hot to pass up on! She was babe-a-licious in the original, but when they remade the series with the anime like artwork, she became full out sexy! Nice post dude! You're the best!

    1. Thanks. :-D Yeah they really made a hot girl look even hotter in the remake. ^_^

  3. Agreeing with heretichero, I usually don't go for anthros, but the character designs in this series are just human enough that Cheetara comes off as exotic and sexy.

    1. I feel the same way. ^_^

      Thanks again for her Atomic Chinchilla. :-)

  4. Wouldn't mind helping her clean her paws if you know what I mean :D

    Personally, like others, not really into furry but there are exceptions and Cheetara is one of them :D

    1. :-D Yeah...I'd love to do that too Breakthewalls. ^_^

      I think that for me it depends on how human a anthropomorphized character might look. Cheetara seems human and hot enough to make me fall for her. ^_^ The long blonde hair definitely helps a lot. ^_^

  5. I was wondering when this cat girl would be up. Will the kitten be up soon?

    1. Forget it,She's too young.

    2. Which Kitten do you mean Match? If you are referring to far the only caps I have from the new series are for Cheetara. I'll try to get more when I watch the new series. Maybe Cheetara would have some more good foot related moments too. ^_^ If you mean the Cat villainess with the whip you sent in...I'm still trying to collect a little bit more material before I post her. She's been going barefoot a lot in her new comic series lately. ^_^

  6. Great post,KSC. This Cheetara is hot.

  7. The Warrior Maidens of the 80's Cartoon deserve a bonus as well.

    1. I actually have a large amount of caps that were sent in for the Original series native girls that I still need to post. I'll try to post those soon. ^_^

  8. Awesome, KSC! Barefoot Cheetara is one reason that the new series is so much better than the old one. ^____^ Can't wait to see the Warrior Maidens' pics. Nayda and WIlla... HOT. :)

    1. Thanks Sole Keeper. ^_^ Yeah it really that the new cartoon shows her feet off. :-D I'll try to post them soon. ^_^

  9. I hope if and when the Warrior Maidens appear in the newest incarnation, they are still the hot fighting barefoot babes as before.

    1. Yeah. That would really be awesome. *Crosses fingers that it will happen*

  10. sexy cheetara is a magnificent goddess only time will tell heck yeah thee baby i love to flirts with you hotterest ladies
