Friday, March 23, 2012


Finally finished the site redesigns incoporating a couple of background pages and a few extras. :-D I'm definitely far from done but I think I reached a milestone with the navigation bar complete. ^_^ I spent several hours trying to implement mouseovers for the buttons but I just couldn't get them to work. ^_^; I'm going to keep at it. Also going to continue updating each of those pages individually as well. See if you guys can find the hidden character. :-D

I have some bad job is taking me out of the country for a few months and I probably won't have internet so I may not be able to post for awhile. With a little bit of luck I'll be able to post some entries while I'm there but more than likely...I won't be online for at least 3 or 4 months. :-(

The good news is that I managed to get some really good bloggers to join the already awesome Match and Breakthewalls on the blogging team (see Anime Feet's current Roster here) so the site won't be inactive during that time period. ^_^ In fact there is a good chance you might get more material too. ^_^

I'm really going to miss posting here as well as reading all the stories on and commenting on various blogs across the net. Everyone really made it a lot of fun . ^_^

I have to fly out on Monday (yeah I know its not a lot of time left) but I'll try to do one more goodbye post for everyone. :-D

I guess that's all for now. Until next time. ^_^


  1. How does one join the blogging team? Because I'd like to contribute too if I could.

    1. Basically anyone whose name I added in the thank you list at the bottom of my AF Blogger post, I would be happy to have as a contributor if they were interested so sure you can definitely join if you want. What I would need from you is the e-mail address you use to access blogger so I can send an invitation for you to join. ^_^ (If it's the same one that you used to send those images to me just let me know.) There are a couple of rules for posting which I'd e-mail to you too but other than that I'd be happy to set you up.

    2. It's the same one I used before.

    3. Ok...I'll send you an invite soon. ^_^

  2. Hey man, I'm working on screencapping the Soul Eater scenes of Medusa when she took over little Rachael's body and show her little feet, would you like to have those?

    1. O_O I would love to see them...thanks very much for offering Shadowmandude. ^_^

  3. I got them ready, I can give them to you tonight.

  4. Have a save trip and try to enjoy work..heh i would say the site will be in good hands while you are away

    Shadowman i cant wait to see them pics as its another series i need to watch just haven't yet

  5. Have a great trip and don't worry,we'll handle things from here. Hey Match,Breakthewalls? Did you guys get my Invitations to become members of my Blog(the realm) yet?

  6. D: Just because I came back,you're going away....Have a nice and safe trip. :D.

    1. Thanks Kyore.:-)

      I'm really going to miss everyone a lot. ^_^

  7. Thanks for making me a contributor, KSC. I won't let you down.

    I'm still getting used to the interface, but I'll have it figured out in no time.

  8. Sorry about not sending those pics yet, but I went to a convention yesterday and have a blast, I'll get to those pics soon.

    BTW, have fun!

    1. Oh no problem Shadowmandude. ^_^ That convention sounds like it was awesome. :-) Really looking forward to seeing them. ^_^

      Thanks...I'm starting to pack now...really hope the trip goes smoothly. ^_^

    2. Just let me know where to send them, and I'll get them to you right away.

    3. O_O Thanks Shadowmandude. You can e-mail them to me at ^_^

  9. Replies
    1. Managed one more round of goodbyes. Thanks Heretichero going to miss everyone here too. ^_^

  10. I'm really going to miss you. Have a safe trip and I hope and pray that you will succeed at your job :)

    Later Triton. I hope these days fly by soon :)

    1. Why haven't you accepted my invitation? Checdk you're E-Mail.

    2. Thanks very much Tristan. ^_^ I'm really going to miss you a lot.
