Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Courtesy of Match25, here's some of the lovely Rapunzel from Disney's Tangled.


  1. you keep forgetting to add info, who is this character, why should we like her?

    1. Well I'm pretty sure everyone knows who the character Rapunzel is, so I don't think it's necessary for me to explain.

      As for why we should like her, it's pretty obvious isn't it?

    2. Never assume that. you need to introduce her as if no one has ever heard of her before. State her personality and why you the poster like this character.

      This is pretty much what has been missing since KSC left, the substance behind the females that are showing off their feet. If there is no substance its just images bare feet which we could see anywhere else, so why should we care about her?

    3. even add notes to certain pictures, state how this was your favorite or how cute she looked here or something

    4. Well I've never seen the movie, so I don't really have any attachment to her.

  2. Awesome. :D My favorite Disney Princess by far. Great post!

  3. Agreed with Match25, there's never any reason to like a girl on the post. It would be nice to hear some depth on them. And unless I'm mistaken, these screen caps came from Kawii Feet. Shouldn't you give him credit for helping provide them?

    1. Match25 got these himself.

    2. I swear I saw these on Kawii Feet's blog. Unless Match originally provided them himself.

    3. who the heck is Kawii? i rented the movie and capped every single image

    4. Correction, his name is Serashikoki and his blog is called Kawii Feet. His Rapunzel post is here

      I checked and I was wrong.These are your screen caps. My bad, sorry.

    5. It happens a lot between different fetish blogs. We often use the same source material (i.e. in this case the Rapunzel movie) so there might be a lot of crossover between sites.

      Match is a master at capping though usually if his name is involved with a bonus he capped them personally. ^_^

  4. Dudes, y'all really never heard of Tangled?? It got so much hype before and even after its release about 2 years ago. It was the last Disney Princess film released.

    This is Rapunzel. Here's the short version of the story. She's a princess trapped in a tower until her 18th birthday, her hair has magical traits (hence why evil witch lady snatched her and put her in the tower), fugitive Flint Rider finds her (by accident), leaves with her and shows her the world for the first time until she's eventually reunited with her true family. That's about it.

    More importantly (assuming the true purpose behind such a post on this site), SHE'S BAREFOOT FOR THE ENTIRE FILM WITH LOTS (and I mean LOTS) OF BEAUTIFUL FOOT SHOTS!!! And not only does she walk everywhere barefoot, but HER FEET NEVER GET DIRTY! They stay beautiful! This movie is a true fetisher's film and I'm actually surprised there are people following this site who haven't seen it!

    Anywho, these are wonderful screen caps, and if you haven't seen Tangled, it's a hilarious film even if you're not a Disney fan (like myself). Fear not, for it is on Netflix.

  5. I've seen the picture, and I love it-finally, Disney admits that we exist as people who love feet. Thanks for posting.

  6. I was wondering when you guys would put out pictures of Rapunzel, cause after all she's barefoot throughout the whole movie.

  7. :-D I agree that this post could have benefited from some description. An excellent post nonetheless. Great work guys!!

  8. I believe it was her voice actor Mandy Moore who opted for Rapunzel to be barefoot since Moore herself admitted that she prefers being onstage without shoes in some of her singing performances. Disney execs agreed and hence why almost throughout Tangled (save towards the ending scene), she walks around in bare feet. Disney also did note that her being barefoot represents "innocence."
