Monday, October 22, 2012



  1. wow never knew she was ever barefooted

    again needs substance, who is she?

    1. I think pretty much everyone knows who Smurfette is.

      And if such persons exist that do not, I never want to meet them.

    2. still some curtsy with information as to why we should care about her

  2. Smurfette? You are Really desperate aren't you. LOL

  3. Wow...just wow i never expected to see the Smurfs on here...but i guess something for everyone

  4. you know it is sad when you see more of her feet here than the Na'vi female main lead in Avatar

  5. I also think it would be pretty cool if you had gone into some description as well Unknown. For a rare and unexpected character like the Smurfette, there are a lot of things you can say about her. She has a very interesting background being created by the the Smurf's enemy Gargamel. What's her personality like? Any wild fantasies involving her? In the Smurf's movie she actually is voiced by Katy Perry. There really is a lot you could say about her.

    Don't get me wrong this is a good post and kudos for posting an unexpected character but it could be even more enjoyable.
