Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mary Jane (Spectacular Spider-Man)

In addition to being from a far superior show, this Mary Jane's default outfit includes sandals. Too bad they almost never focus low enough to see her toes.


  1. I actually like the character designs in Ultimate Spider-Man better.

  2. so wish Gwen went barefooted, Liz goes barefoot but when she does they never focus low enough

  3. Enough with your biased attitude already. At least Ultimate has more realistic (and therefore hotter) designs.

  4. Spectacular Spider-man was (in my mind) the perfect Spider-man cartoon and great at taking influences from classic Spider-man and the Ultimate comics. I really loved the Gwen Stacy romance angle up until her forced makeover.

  5. I remember one episode about a piece of theatre, where Mary Jane and Liz are shown playing their roles, which costumes included sandals. In that episode you can see MJ's feet were much bigger than Liz's. I liked that, indeed xD

    Sorry for my bad english, btw

  6. Hot post Bambino. Great to see MJ's feet. ^_^
