Friday, April 12, 2013

50 Girls 50

Another quick post here. I'll give more details later.

Here is a collection of pictures from the award winning and world famous artist Frank Cho in his series done by Image Comics: 50 Girls 50!

Okay, in the future humanity is screwed because we don't have enough resources. Our only option: go to other dimensions and planets to find the resources needed and bring them here. Only problem is X chromosomes can't make it through the dimension portal and only double Y chromosomes (in layman's terms a super female with no traces of male X chromosomes) can enter. So the government gathers all the double Y's it can made up of 50 of the worlds best female doctors, scientists, and military experts. All boarded on 10 ships to save humanity.

Its Frank Cho guys, do I really need to tell you what the girls are like? I think the pics are gonna speak for themselves.

   I know what some of you are thinking with that last pic. AND NO! Get your minds out of the internet!!


  1. Cho actually drew just some fo the covers and co-wrote the story with Doug Murray, the art is provided by Axel Medellin. This comment wasn't meant to be mean or correct the description, just wanted to give credit to Medellin work. The guy really did a nice job during the comic run.

  2. This happens a lot in comics :/ but at long as the right people get the notice for the work its fine though i dont know if i will look too deeply into this series as the last one you posted but the pictures sure are nice

    1. Well, there is more to it than just buns, guns, and boobs. Unfortunately it was only the first issue that showed barefoot shots of the traitor amongst the group and the one other chick. If you do manage to find, look it up. Its a fun read none the less.

  3. Interesting enough concept for a story, but it seems like another comic devoted to nothing but fanservice. :b I don't mean anything against you or your post, it's just that I've been turned off to these kinds of comics thanks to Linkara and Esher Girls. XD

    1. lolz yeah that will do it.

      This was the only issue that really had fan service. Everything else was story driven and looked more at the psychology of the crew members. Its a fun read none the less. I'd recommend it. Thanks for commenting dude.

  4. While I can see what the other commentors are saying, but it's not like the series is all fanservice all the time; there are some serious moments in it as well. That aside, I do like that someone actually added mud and sludge on the girls and on their feet for a change. Most artists generally forget to add that detail, or even at all.

    Then again, I'm a foot fetish fanboy that also likes dirt feet. :p

    1. Its cool dude. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I know its more than just that since I've read almost all the issues of the series. Yeah, I do give them credit for making the sludge and all that. Thanks for commenting dude. I'm glad you liked this

  5. I personally liked this post Heretichero. As a sci fi, comic and femdom fan this series looks really interesting. ^_^ Frank Cho's artwork is great. :-)

    1. Thanks man. I'm glad you liked this one too. I was a little worried since these aren't too well framed being scans but if it makes everyone happy then I'm okay with it.
