Saturday, April 27, 2013

Repost: Princess Teegra from Fire and Ice 1983

Okay, seeing as this post was pretty popular back when I first posted it, I figured I'd revive it. Here is Princess Teegra from the 1983 film Fire and Ice.
I really don't feel like reposting the whole back story but maybe when I have more time I will. Enjoy this post guys. Its gonna be the last one by me for a while. I got exams to study for now.


  1. The movie wasn't very good. She's the only thing really worth watching in it. But she sure is drawn well. XD

    1. Yeah, the movie did suck and this is probably the only redeeming factor to its poor story and rotoscoping lol. Thanks for the comment man. I'm glad you like this. I'm debating if I want to post more of this or not since there are plenty more scenes where we can see decent close ups on her.

    2. I say go for it! Gives us more shots of her to look at. XD

    3. lolz, I'll be sure to do that dude.

  2. The movie was good for me. I didn't expect some epic Lord of the Rings bullshit. What I got ws the distillation of the work of Frank Frazetta and that sentimentality won me over. the rota-scoping being rather competent really helped as well.

    1. Despite the crap story and all that, I actually did enjoy the movie a lot.It gave me a sort of exhilaration to my imagination making me marvel at the tropical/sub-tropical fantasy setting in a world of magic. Its unfortunate that so few things like this remain today. It would be nice to see something with a similar setting but better story to emerge someday in pop culture.

      Thanks for the comment man. I'm glad you liked this.

  3. Good screencaps, and nice poses.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you approve. I'll try to post more of her when I can. Ya gotta love the 80s dude. That's when the real sex symbols showed up and when characters began popping up left and right based off of live pop culture icons.

  4. Oh man...this was a great post Heretichero. Great set of caps and a hot girl. ^_^

    1. Hehe, glad you approve. This is one of those things that are just really hard to come by and are just golden. When I first saw the movie, I knew I had to screen cap it for everyone lol. Thanks for the comment man. I'll try to get more shots of the movie once I'm off school.
