Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Poll and the Gameplan I have been going through some of the new post on the blog. Wow there really were a lot of them. Once again a massive thanks to everyone for keeping this blog going while I was away. I've been trying to comment on all of the new posts but only got through about April so far.

My Gameplan is to rest up a bit this month and take things easy doing a light lead in to the summer posting season. Hopefully I'll be back posting at full power by then. I'm not going to dive into writing again just yet (although I do have three stories on backburner), instead, I'm going to work on upgrading the look of the site and reorganizing with the other contributors to make the site as good as possible.  I learned some new web design skills while I was away that I'm looking forward to showing all of you. :-)  I'll try to do at least one new entry per week.

Anyway, just to kick off the new month, I added a new poll you guys. I know that we all love looking at feet but do you find yourself looking at one part of the foot more than others? Maybe there is an extra amount of excitement that you find seeing a woman wiggle her toes, or perhaps a girl popping her heels out of her pumps causes your heart to beat fast. Maybe it's getting to see a flashes of the bottom of a girls foot that catches your attention. What part of her feet do you find yourself drawn too?

As with all the polls, voting is anonymous and you don't need a blogger account to participate so anyone that wants to can vote. I would really love to see what your opinions are.

Have fun everyone!


  1. Ah man!! That's too hard to decide on!! I want to say girls with pedicures. There is nothing that beats a color that really suits the girl and makes her feet stand out more.

    1. O_O Pedicures are definitely an awesome attention grabber Heretichero. ^_^

  2. Welcome home, brother!

    PS, toe man right here :)

  3. I do like wiggling toes, but taking off the shoes is another favorite. :)

  4. Looking forward to your new stuff! :)

    And oh man, too hard to choose. XD I'm a "whole foot is greater than the sum of its parts" guy. I love seeing my girlfriend flash her soles when changing shoes, I love watching her toes wiggle and her soles scrunch when I give her massages. I can't pick one part over the others. XD

    1. :-D It's true. All of those types of actions would drive me wild as well.

  5. I like all of a girls foot =D, but I'd say a girls toes and her soles drive me wild =D

  6. I don't know what's been going on with the poll. It seems to be glitching out with votes disappearing on a major scale. I hope that it sorts itself out.

  7. I say Soles and toes. You shoud've had multiple choice.

  8. Gr8 to have you back again KSC :) your presence on this blog has been sorely missed I can assure ;)not that am saying Unknown, Bambino or Heretichero666 haven't done good jobs keeping this blog going on without you, am sure they've each made you proud ;) it's just one of those situations a ship without it's captain just doesn't feel the same kinda ship anymore if you catch my drift? lol O.o I've ESPECIALLY missed the polls you do! lol

    1. Thanks Martin. It's nice to know that people noticed I was away and missed me. Yeah both Unknown/Bambino and Heretichero both worked very hard while I was away and I really appreciate them for that as well.

  9. I thought about this for a minute or 2 before i figured out that it dont matter lol any part is good :P but will say just seeing the Heel annoys me as if they are scared to show anything else :/

  10. I like the toes, especially when they wiggle like Medusa did when she took control of Rachel's body.

  11. Been surfing around the net, and I found this: DarkWarrior made his own meme where you can type in your whatever and put it next to Top 20, and one things he did was make a Top 20 Barefoot Girls.

    1. Wow those are great choices of women. :-D

    2. Yup. Here's his empty meme in case anyone is interested

    3. O_O Really cool...that's a useful tool to have. Thank for it Shadowmandude. ^_^
