Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Real Life Anime Feet: Touwa Erio by Hiokichi

Since everyone loved the first edition, here is another Touwa Erio cosplay done by a Japanese model by the name of Hiokichi. Enjoy guys.


  1. O_O Wow...I need a cold shower. Of the Touwa Erio sets, I think this was my favorite one. The cosplayer is really cute and she really went all out with her photoshoot. I love the images that she shot by the pool.

    I think between these four sets (5 counting last month's) I'm in barefoot cosplayer hotness overload. Thanks so much for posting all of them Heretichero. ^_^

    1. Hehe, I'm glad you like these dude. I was speechless when I first found these. But I have to agree. Out of the 5, this was one of the best. Thanks for commenting dude. I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for more real life anime girls for you.

  2. Awesome sole shots there :D

    1. That they are! lol. Thanks for commenting dude!! I'm glad you like these!

  3. This character does seem popular. XD The cosplayer is very pretty! I love her pouty mouth.

    1. She is but unfortunately, no one State side cosplays her to my knowledge. Glad you like the posts I've done here. I appreciate the support.
