Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Did you miss me?

:-D Yup...I'm officially back in the states again. ^_^

While I was away I tried to peek in on the site occasionally (when I wasn't up to my neck in work) and there were some great posts. I really appreciate everyone for keeping the site going, commenting, visiting, posting and sending in material. My mailbox got flooded while I was away and it probably will be a long time before I'm caught up again but it looks like everyone really wants this site to be good.

While I did have to step in and edit some posts and comments, there was a minimal amount of times that I had to do that.  I think all of you were honestly trying your best with each post. I also noticed that at least a few of you took my advice in the last entry that I posted about being nice to each other and I really appreciate that a lot too.

Ok...while I'd love to just dive in and start making up for lost time. I'm going to need to approach this slowly.

Truth be told...I'm tired out from a long and stressful trip and I want relax a bit before going at the site again full force. I want to catch up on what I missed while I was away; see the new stories that are out there, view and comment on what other people posted, read some of the new comics, play some new video games and watch some of the shows that I wasn't able to see.

I also have a lot of personal obligations that are going to limit my time working on the site. I will be doing some new posts when I get the chance though.

Anyway, it's great to be home guys! I really missed all of you very much. :-)


  1. Welcome back KSC :D i would say "hope you enjoyed the trip" but its work so meh

    But its only been a few months so your like most people...huge backlog and never enough time to catch up :/

    1. Thanks Jinto. The trip wasn't too unpleasant. I was really working very hard there but the people I was working with were very nice to me. I just missed everyone here a lot.

      :-D I was behind on my posting even before I left. If only there were more hours in the day.

  2. Welcome back dude!! I'm glad to hear from you again!! Take your time catching up and seeing what we got on here. I'm guessing it was you who edited my little April Fools prank lol. I don't know if you noticed but I went and deleted all my old posts on here. I remember you saying that I had covered someone on your post list, Christie Monterio from Tekken, and I apologize for that. I'll be sure to repost that for you so you don't have to post it. I wanted to make a fresh start on here going from scratch.

    Its good to hear from you again. Hopefully you'll like what we got for you on here during your absence.

    1. Thanks Heretichero. Yeah...I tried to keep the controversy here to a minimum when I could. I let the joke run its course but I had to remove it after that. O_O Why did you delete your earlier posts? I didn't get a chance to read or browse everything thoroughly but from what I looked at, the posts you made were good. Yeah that was a great post involving Christie. I really hope that you repost her.

      Also, what happened to Foot Fetish Extravaganza and the Foot Fan Fiction Zone?

    2. Lol, yeah I figured it was the case. I just wish I could have gotten a chance to read everyone's reactions before it got deleted.
      I felt like a lot of my old posts weren't doing too well in comparison to the other material. When I looked at the number of views and compared them, I saw that they were significantly lower than the number of views on the other posts. Sorry man, I just felt like it would be best to start over rather than waste space. Not too many people commented on them either so I figured no one would miss them.

      As for my own blogs, it just got really hard to get around to updating them and most of my viewers preferred this blog over the other so I figured I'd just focus on one.

    3. :-) A lot of people are shy. I think you'd be surprised by how many people enjoyed what you posted. In any case I'm looking forward to seeing what you post in the future Heretichero.

  3. Good to see you again my friend. I've been trying to keep this place alive in your absence.

    1. You did a nice job Bambino. It looked like you were working very hard to keep the site going. Thank you for that.

  4. Welcome back, KSC! :D Glad to have you here again! I'm looking forward to having your posts and polls back. :) I hope you keep Bambino and HereticHero on the team, they've both had some great posts while you were gone.

    Just letting you know that I'm taking art commissions for any interested parties. I have no small amount of experience drawing foot-related material. ;)

    1. Thanks Atomic Chincilla. Yeah both of them worked really hard.

      Oh that's really cool. I'd love to see some of your artwork. ^_^

    2. Here's some commissions and other pics that are relevant to our interests. XD
      There's a few more in there, and I'm always willing to make more. :)

    3. Wow you're really good. My favorite images were Chivalry and Nieve's in your Town. ^_^

    4. Thank you! 8D If anyone wants some commissioned footy art goodness, they can hit me up. XD

  5. Welcome back man, I did a small amount for this site, such as I found the video of Nisa from Mission Odyssey. I meant to bring in more of that serious but just been busy. Anyway welcome back to the sole train. Ha.

  6. Hey,KSC. Welcome Back. :) I missed ya. much changed has happened.

    1. Thanks Stefan. I missed you too. Yeah I'm still trying to wrap my head around all the changes that have happened since I've been gone. Really a lot to catch up on. ^_^
