Monday, May 27, 2013

Tomboy Attack: Karate Scene

Okay, I'm having trouble finding more appropriate and quality material for this line up so the grand finale probably won't be till much later when I find something worth posting. But until then, enjoy this comic scene I came across. Two karate chicks, what more could anyone ask for?


  1. Good art, good perspective, great camera angle...terrible pun. :P

    Good post, do you know which comic this is from?

    1. lolz yeah, the writer does have a dry sense of humor.

      Unfortunately I don't. I found this picture just randomly searching the internet. I wish I did. Its very good.

  2. O_O Massively hot image Heretichero. I would love to be in LaRue's place. I would also love to know where that image is from too. Whoever the artist is real did some great detail on the feet. The perspective is awesome.

    1. I had a feeling you'd love this one dude lol. I'd take that kick any day too. Glad you liked it. Unfortunately I don't know who made this. I found it while randomly searching the internet. If I happen to find out who made it, I will be sure to tell you.
