Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tomboy Attack: Makoto Part 1

Getting back on track with my original post line up, here is the next installment of Tomboy Attack. Meet everyone's favorite karate kid, Makoto!!!
Makoto is one of the younger Street Fighters but she's still got a lot going for her. Trying to run and restore her family's dojo as well as her father's honor. She's got a lot going for her and she's really a nice girl underneath the rough exterior. She may not have a fashion sense but she knows how to kick ass!!

Just so you know, this last pic is Japanese cosplay. Stay tuned for more Makoto boys.


  1. I've never been too big a fan of Street Fighter's official art style with the gigantic feet. I'm just a small feet kind of guy. XD But I do love the characters, and art depicting them with normal sized feet is always awesome. Great post! Looking forward to seeing which tomboys are up next. ^__^

    1. I prefer small feet too but with a girl as cute as Makoto I'm not gonna complain lol. Thanks for the comment man. I'm glad you like this. I got plenty more tomboys to come and I hope you and everyone else approves.

  2. I would say she has great fashion sense as she likes to go barefoot everywhere :D unlike Sakura who wears shoes all the time and Ibuki lies to wrap most of hers

    As for the Official Art i dont mind the large Makoto feet oddly enough as with Chinchilla im not a fan of large feet but they just seem to fit her for me

    1. Wait no edit...anywho just seen the last picture which i thought was great art intill i got to the last tab and that looks like a nice cosplay which i have seen before but no clue where still looks amazing though

    2. Lolz yeah. If you watch Virtual Soles, you'll see Sakura finally ditched her usual get up to go barefoot dressed like her idol Ryu. Ibuki I know how you feel too. I wish we could see her completely barefoot. If you check DA right now, you can find a really good tickle pic of Ibuki's bare soles by a guy called Briel7.
      It can't be helped that Makoto was given big feet in official art but I honestly believe that with work by Udon and so forth, eventually her feet will look smaller like they should.

      Thanks for the comment man. I'm glad you like this series of posts.

    3. Thanks for the heads up about dA :) I so hope thats Sakura DLC as i would soo buy that but if its a PC Mod it will make me sad as i dont own it on pc yet

      the Udon guys have great art and wouldn't mind seeing more of their are in-game while Makoto's feet dont bother me would be nice if she was the same size as the rest of the girls

  3. Awesome post Hereticho. Barefoot Karate girls rule!! :-D Not only that I get to check another girl off the hitlist too. :-D Thanks very much for posting her.

    1. Damn straight they do!! Lol, thanks man. I'm glad to know I got another girl on the list. I'll be sure to post Christie back up soon.
